Digital Workspaces and the Customer Experience

Customer experience is driving the digital age, and with the number of digital workers exploding the bar for assuring the digital user experience is quickly being raised - and not every enterprise is ready.

Fragmented monitoring approaches can make it all but impossible to connect the dots between complex, heterogeneous technical ecosystems, and the customer's digital journey. The digital workspace can be a logical first step towards digital transformation but connecting the dots between 'X-data' (experience or XLA data) and 'O-data' (operational or SLA data) is not trivial.

Join us as John Worthington, Director of Customer Success at eG Innovations and an XLA Master, shows us:

  • What role the Experience Level Agreement plays in the digital workspace
  • The importance of unified, end-user-oriented views of digital workspace performance
  • How converged APM/IPM can accelerate your customer experience journey

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Webinar Presenter

John Worthington

Director of Customer Success
eG Innovations