AWS Workspace Monitoring

Get deep visibility into the performance of your Amazon WorkSpaces with eG Enterprise and monitor the end-user experience using synthetic and real user monitoring.

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Desktop delivery using
Amazon WorkSpaces

Amazon WorkSpaces is a managed, secure Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution that allows administrators to provision Windows and Linux desktops in minutes. AWS Desktop as a Service solutions streamline remote work environments for businesses of all sizes. Amazon WorkSpaces greatly simplifies desktop delivery by eliminating the need to manage hardware, OS patches, and Virtual Desktop Infrastructures (VDI). With Amazon WorkSpaces, users get fast, responsive desktops that they can access anywhere, anytime, from any device.

Amazon WorkSpaces monitoring

While AWS workspace makes it possible for administrators to centrally manage and scale desktop deployment, it also makes monitoring and management challenging.

eG Enterprise for Amazon WorkSpaces monitoring

eG Innovations allows managers to quickly identify lock and wait events that slow query performance.

eG Enterprise is an end-to-end monitoring solution that provides incredible in-depth Amazon WorkSpaces performance and helps you quickly identify and triage problems in the user terminal, connectivity to the AWS cloud, or within an application being run by the user. With eG Enterprise you can:

  • Monitor and optimize digital user experience with real-user monitoring
  • Get visibility into every layer and every tier of your IT infrastructure
  • Get to the root-cause of performance problems in one click
  • Generate detailed usage reports for optimization and future capacity planning
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Monitoring Amazon WorkSpaces is challenging

There are several reasons why monitoring cloud workspaces by AWS is very challenging:

  • Users expect cloud workspaces to provide the same performance as physical desktops. Benchmarking and architecting desktop access to minimize latencies is important.
  • When a local desktop fails, it affects one user only. A failure of the cloud workspace can affect hundreds of users.
  • With cloud workspaces, there are several domains of control that make troubleshooting more difficult. When a user complains that desktop access is slow, you have to triage the problem quickly: Is the slowness due to the user terminal, or due to their connectivity to AWS cloud, or is it an issue with Amazon WorkSpaces, or could it be an issue with one of the applications executing on the desktop?
Monitoring Amazon WorkSpaces

eG Enterprise: Your control center for Amazon WorkSpaces

Get a 360-degree view of Amazon WorkSpaces user experience, availability, performance, and usage.

  • Monitor user experience using a combination of synthetic and real user monitoring
  • Track the performance of all the tiers involved in supporting virtual desktop delivery including the local network, the WAN, and AWS access. Monitor and report on all aspects of desktop usage and access protocol performance.
  • Auto-baseline the infrastructure. Built-in automatic root-cause diagnosis technology allows the source of problems to be detected in minutes
  • Leverage built-in reports and analytics for compliance reporting, usage tracking, and for scaling the Amazon WorkSpaces deployment
Simplify User Experience Monitoring with eG Enterprise v7

Proactively monitor service availability and logon performance

With a purpose-built logon simulator for Amazon WorkSpaces, track desktop availability and logon performance from any location 24x7. Measure time taken for every step of the logon process from browser access, authentication, session establishment to desktop launch. Be the first to know about issues and troubleshoot whether you need to fix the problem or escalate to AWS.

Use full-session simulation to go beyond logon simulation. Replay entire user sessions and benchmark the performance of applications accessed through the virtual desktop.

Report on compliance to SLAs and compare historical performance across locations and applications.

The Microsoft SQL Server Load Analyzer identifies which app or user imposes the most load on the server.

Monitor the experience of real users

Using a lightweight agent on each virtual desktop, track all aspects of the experience seen by real users.

  • Track launch time for each application and alert if the operating system takes excessive time to respond to user inputs (user input delay)
  • Monitor protocol latencies for each user session. Report on PCoIP round-trip time, packet loss, bandwidth used etc. Report on bandwidth usage by virtual channel to highlight potential bandwidth usage issues.
  • Monitor active and idle time to allow employee productivity to be analyzed
  • Track URLs accessed and correlate to browser resource usage patterns, allowing for rapid troubleshooting
eG Innovations allows managers to quickly identify lock and wait events that slow query performance.

Desktop usage reporting for optimization and trending

Monitor and report on desktop usage for compliance reporting and trending.

  • Track and report on who logged in, for how long and what applications they used
  • Identify the top resource consuming users and what applications they use.
  • Analyze application usage patterns and identify potential areas for optimizing resource usage and reduce billing
  • Report on desktops without users, to identify opportunities to conserve cloud resources
  • Forecast and plan for future capacity needs. Identify if additional CPU/memory resources are required for specific desktops/users
Easily track key Microsoft SQL parameters that impact database server performance

Integrated monitoring of any digital workspace

With eG Enterprise, your digital workspace monitoring requirements are covered. Irrespective of which combination of digital workspace you choose to deploy, you get consistent monitoring, alerting, diagnosis, and reporting. Our coverage spans AWS Workspaces, AWS Workstation, Azure Virtual Desktops (AVD), Citrix virtual apps and desktops on-premises and in the cloud, VMware Horizon or Microsoft Remote Desktop services (RDS). Licenses are inter-changeable across technologies and deployment is similar across technology stacks. You can monitor your entire digital workspace from a unified, central console and thereby reduce the learning curve for your operations teams.

eG Innovations allows managers to quickly identify lock and wait events that slow query performance.
What is Amazon WorkSpaces?

An Amazon WorkSpace is a cloud-based virtual desktop that can act as a replacement for a traditional desktop. WorkSpaces by AWS are available as a bundle of compute resources, storage space, and software applications that allow a user to perform day-to-day tasks just like using a traditional desktop. To learn about Applications and Infrastructure Monitoring for AWS Services, click here.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
about Amazon Workspaces monitoring

Amazon WorkSpaces are deployed in the cloud. An administrator of the desktop as a service (DaaS) needs to know if the service is available, whether users are seeing good response times on their cloud desktops, and if there is slowness noticed, the administrator needs to be able to troubleshoot this. AWS WorkSpaces monitoring helps IT admins track the availability and performance of DaaS, be proactively alerted to issues and to troubleshoot issues and resolve them quickly. Monitoring of DaaS is important as slow virtual desktop access affects user productivity and satisfaction and ultimately impacts business revenue.

AWS CloudWatch provides some details about the DaaS service. You can use CloudWatch metrics to track healthy and unhealthy workspaces, workspaces where users are connected, connection failures and sessions with high latency. What is lacking is deep insight into user experience (logon time, app launch time, etc.) as well as insight into user activity (resources used, which applications are accessed, etc). Hence, AWS CloudWatch is not a complete monitoring tool for AWS WorkSpaces.

A specialized digital workspace monitoring tool like eG Enterprise has out-of-the-box support for the top 25 reports that any IT admin would need about their AWS WorkSpaces environment. Reports on who logged in, when, what applications they used, how much resources they consumed, what was their experience when accessing the service, etc. are available in eG Enterprise.

The first step to improve the performance of your Amazon WorkSpaces service is to be able to monitor it. Effective monitoring highlights if specific areas of logon processing are taking time (e.g., GPO processing) and optimizations can be initiated to reduce user logon time. Likewise user latency can be high if the desktop resources are under-provisioned. Continuous monitoring can highlight such situations as well. There are several such examples of how in-depth and on-going monitoring of Amazon WorkSpaces can provide inputs for optimizing and improving the user experience.

There are three main areas:

  1. Use a combination of synthetic and real user monitoring to monitor user experience
  2. Monitoring of the usage of workspaces and the resource usage of cloud instances by integration with AWS CloudWatch
  3. Monitoring of usage and performance within the desktop to track user activities, application access, resource usage, etc.

Start your free trial or schedule a custom demo with an engineer

  • Works on cloud environments, hybrid cloud setups and on-premises deployments
  • Deploy eG Enterprise using our SaaS platform or on-premises
  • Suitable for monitoring cloud applications, digital workspaces and IT infrastructures
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