Performance Assurance for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization with eG Innovations

View this webinar to learn how you can build performance assurance into your Red Hat® Enterprise Virtualization infrastructure from the start to ensure exceptional performance and user experience, and dramatically simplify and accelerate troubleshooting. Before service performance impacts user productivity and the success of your virtualization initiative, learn how to proactively manage it so you can:

  • Manage the performance of the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization server and desktop platforms – including the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization hypervisor, datastores, virtual networks and Virtual Machines
  • Automate and dramatically accelerate the discovery, diagnosis, and resolution of service performance issues;
  • Get complete, 360-degree performance visibility into your dynamic, virtualized RHEV environment;
  • Pre-emptively detect & resolve performance issues - before users notice, and
  • Right-size your environment for maximum ROI using workload trend analysis and component comparisons.

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Webinar Presenters

Geert Jansen

Sr. Product Marketing Manager
Red Hat

Srinivas Ramanathan

eG Innovations