Pre-requisites for Configuring an eG Database on an Oracle Database Server

The pre-requisites include the following:

  1. The eG manager requires a special database user account for storing measures in the eG database. You can:

    1. Instruct eG manager setup to automatically create this user account, (OR);

    2. Instruct eG manager setup to use an account that pre-exists for this purpose, (OR);

    3. Manually create a special account for monitoring purposes, and configure the eG manager to use this account;

    In the case of options (b) and (c above, you need to make sure that you choose or create a user with the following privileges to the eG database:

    • connect

    • resource

    • select_catalog

    To create such a user on Oracle, refer to the table below, which describes the complete syntax for user creation on different versions of Oracle:


    Syntax for User Creation

    Oracle 11G

    create user $username identified by $password default tablespace $tspace1 temporary tablespace $tspace2;

    Grant connect, resource to $username;

    Grant select_catalog_role to $username;

    For example:

    create user john identified by john123 default tablespace dtspace temporary tablespace ttspace;

    Grant connect, resource to john;

    Grant select_catalog_role to john;

    Oracle 12C (and above) - Normal Setup

    create user $username identified by $password default tablespace $tspace1 temporary tablespace $tspace2;

    Grant connect, resource to $username;

    Grant select_catalog_role to $username;

    alter user $username quota unlimited on $tspace1;

    For example:

    create user james identified by j@m3s default tablespace jdspace temporary tablespace jtspace;

    Grant connect, resource to james;

    Grant select_catalog_role to james;

    alter user james quota unlimited on jdspace;

    Oracle 12C (and above) - Multi-tenant Setup (PDB and CDB)

    alter session set container=$PDB_Name;

    create user $username identified by $password container=current default tablespace $tspace1 temporary tablespace $tspace2;

    Grant connect, resource to $username;

    Grant select_catalog_role to $username;

    alter user $username quota unlimited on $tspace1;

    For example:

    alter session set container=pdb1;

    create user mary identified by m1r2y container=current default tablespace mardspace temporary tablespace martspace;

    Grant connect, resource to mary;

    Grant select_catalog_role to mary;

    alter user mary quota unlimited on mardspace;


    In a 12C Multi-tenant setup, the CDB cannot be used as the eG backend. This is why, in this case, you have to configure a PDB as the eG database.

    To know which PDB to use, you need to first take a look at the available PDBs. For that, log into a CDB and run the query below at the SQL prompt to get the list of PDBs:

    select pdb_name from dba_pdbs where pdb_name not like '%$%';

  2. We recommend that when you install the eG manager with an Oracle database backend, the following tablespaces (with the parameters indicated) are specifically created for eG:

    create tablespace egurkhadata01

    datafile ‘C:\Oracle\ORADATA\egurkha\eGurkhaData01.dbf’ size 10240M

    autoextend off extent management local autoallocate;

    create temporary tablespace egurkhatemp01

    tempfile ‘C:\Oracle\ORADATA\egurkha\eGurkhaTemp01.dbf’ size 512M

    autoextend off extent management local uniform;

  3. Create rollback tablespaces and rollback segments as needed.
  4. The usage of an Oracle backend for the eG manager also necessitates the resetting of the following Oracle initialization parameters.

    • The processes parameter should be set to a minimum of 100

    • The open_cursors parameter should be set to a minimum of 200.

    These parameters might have to be tuned further based on an increase in server load.