AWS Connect Voice Performance Test

With Amazon Connect, you can create personalized omni-channel experiences for your customers using voice and chat channels. Customers contact the agents of the Amazon Connect contact center through these channels. To speed up the process of resolving the issues raised by the customers, every channel is incorporated with multiple intents. An intent is an action the customer wants to perform. Historical analysis of the data obtained from the past, completed activity and the performance of your contact center will help administrators isolate problem patterns and rectify the issues before end users start complaining about poor performance of the contact center. By historically analyzing the data obtained for each intent resolved through voice channel, administrators may be able to identify the intent that took a longer time to be resolved. To identify such intents, administrators can use the AWS Connect Voice Performance Test.

This test auto-discovers the intents that were handled by the agents and for each intent, this test helps administrators historically analyze how well the contacts were handled by the agents in the target Amazon Connect contact center. The count of contacts handled by the agents, count of contacts initiated through call backs for each intent helps administrators analyze the customer experience with the contact center. The contact handling ability of the agents is also analyzed by periodically monitoring the time duration for which a contact was handled based on each intent, the time for which contacts were in queue before being answered by an agent etc. By periodically analyzing the historical records, administrator can understand the patterns followed by the agents while handling the contacts that are specific to each intent, understand the pain-points of the agents as well as customers in resolving the intent and identify means to improvise the efficiency of the contact center. This test also helps administrators figure out the intent that too a long time to be resolved by the agents in the contact center.

Target of the test : An Amazon Connect Contact center

Agent deploying the test : A remote agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for the target History Summary configured on the AWS Connect that is to be monitored.

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameter Description

Test Period

How often should the test be executed.


The IP address of the Amazon Connect that is being monitored.


Specify the port number at which the specified HOST listens. By default, this is NULL.

AWS Access Key, AWS Secret Key, Confirm AWS Access Key, Confirm AWS Secret Key

To monitor an Amazon Connect instance, the eG agent has to be configured with the access key and secret key of a user with a valid AWS account. For this purpose, we recommend that you create a special user on the AWS cloud, obtain the access and secret keys of this user, and configure this test with these keys. The procedure for this has been detailed in the Obtaining an Access key and Secret key topic. Make sure you reconfirm the access and secret keys you provide here by retyping it in the corresponding Confirm text boxes.

AWS Default Region

This test uses Amazon Connect CLI to interact with AWS and pull relevant metrics. To enable the test to connect to AWS, you need to configure the test with the name of the region to which all requests for metrics should be routed, by default. Specify the name of this AWS Default Region, here.

AWS Instance ID

Specify a unique identifier for each instance created by Amazon Connect

Note: To monitor multiple instances of Amazon Connect, each instance should be added as a separate Amazon Connect component in eG and assigned a unique nick name. When configuring tests for the component, you need to make sure that the specific Amazon Connect instance to be monitored is indicated using the Instance ID parameter.


Specify the maximum duration (in seconds) for which the test will wait for a response from the server. The default is 10 seconds.

Measurements made by the test



Measurement Unit


Average queue abandon time

Indicates the average time that the contacts for this intent were made to wait in the queue before being abandoned.


Compare the value of this measure across the intents to find out an intent for which the contacts were waited in the queue for longer time.

A high value for this measure indicates that the queue has more number of contacts for an intent and handling time is high, which may lead to contact abandonment.

Average after call work time of agent

Indicates the average time that the agents spent in the After-contact work state for an intent, during the last measurement period.


A low value is prepared for this measure.

API contacts handled

Indicates the number of contacts handled by an API operation for this intent.


This value denotes the number of contacts that had encountered a pre-recorded query handling session and later connected to an agent.

Callback contacts handled

Indicates the number of contacts that were queued for callbacks during the last measurement period.


The value of this measure denotes how many contacts, who had opted for callbacks, were handled by the agent.

Contacts abandoned

Indicates the number of contacts that were abandoned from the queue during the last measurement period.


The value of this measure should be low.

A high value for this measure indicates that a greater number of contacts, who had waited for an agent, were abandoned from the queue since they had to wait longer time in the queue.

Contacts queued for callback are not counted as abandoned.

Contacts agent disconnected first

Indicates the number of calls disconnected by the agent handling this intent before connecting to any contacts.


Connectivity issues on the agent's side may lead agents to disconnect the calls before connecting to the contacts.

Contacts consulted

Indicates the number of calls for which the agent handling this intent consulted another agent or a call center manager during the last measurement period.


This value indicates the number of contacts for which the agent had sought help from another agent or from a superior while on call.

Contacts handled

Indicates the number of contacts that were answered by the agent handling this intent during the last measurement period.



Contacts handled incoming

Indicates the number of incoming contacts handled by the agent during the last measurement period.


This value denotes the number of incoming calls that were handled by an agent which includes inbound call, calls that were transferred to the agent, calls that were transferred to the queue, or a queue-to-queue transfer.

Contacts handled outbound

Indicates the number of outbound contacts that were initiated by the agent handling this intent during the last measurement period.


This value denotes the number of contacts that the agent reached to, within a specified timeline.

Contacts hold abandons

Indicates the number of contacts who had abandoned the call while they were on hold during the last measurement period.


A low value is preferred for this measure.

Calls may be disconnected when the contacts are waiting for longer time while on hold or technical issue.

Contacts missed

Indicates the number of contacts that have been routed to the agent handling this intent but not answered by the agent, including calls abandoned by the contacts.


The value of this measure indicates the number of calls that are missed either by the agent (by not answering the call) or the contact (by disconnecting the call before they are routed to the agent).

Contacts queued

Indicates the number of contacts added to the queue during the last measurement period.


Contacts are added to the queue when all the agents are on call or doing after contact work or if the center is understaffed.

A low value is desired for this measure.

Contacts transferred in

Indicates the number of contacts transferred into the queue for this intent during the last measurement period.



Contacts transferred in from queue

Indicates the number of contacts transferred from one queue to another queue during a Customer queue flow.


This value denotes the number of contacts that have been added in a queue from another queue.

Contacts transferred out

Indicates the number of contacts that were transferred out of the queue during the last measurement period.


The value of this measure indicates the number of contacts that are eliminated from a queue when the contact disconnects the calls or due to connectivity issues.

Contacts transferred out from queue

Indicates the number of contacts for this intent that were transferred out from one queue and added to another queue during Customer queue flow.



Average handle time

Indicates the average time taken by the agent for handling the calls for this intent.


The value of this measure includes the talk time from the beginning of the call to end including hold time, and After Contact Work (ACW) time.

Average customer hold time

Indicates the average time that the contacts were put on hold by the agent handling this intent.



Average agent interaction and customer hold time

Indicates the average time that the contacts for this intent were interacting with agents including the hold time.


This value indicates the average time that the contacts spent during interaction with agents. The value of this measure is a sum of the Average customer hold time and Average agent interaction time measures.

Average agent interaction time

Indicates the average time that the contacts for this intent were interacting with the agents during the last measurement period.


The value of this measure is calculated excluding the hold time during the interaction.


Indicates the percentage of time that an agent handling this intent was active on calls during the last measurement period.


The value of this measure is calculated as follows: (Agent on contact (wall clock time) / (Agent on contact (wall clock time) + Agent idle time))

Average queue answer time

Indicates the average time that a contact was in the queue before being answered by an agent.


A contact flow defines how a customer experiences your contact center from start to finish. At the most basic level, contact flows enable you to customize your IVR (interactive voice response) system. This value is calculated using the amount of time that the contact was in the queue. This does not include any time that the contact spent in prior steps of the contact flow, such as listening or responding to prompts.

A low value is preferred for this measure. A sudden/gradual increase in the value of this measure a cause for concern.

Maximum queued time

Indicates the maximum time that a contact waited in the queue for this intent.


This includes the time when the contacts were added to the queue, even if they were not connected with an agent, including abandoned contacts.