Modifying Components

Task Command Example

Changing the nick name

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype <Component Type> -hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -oldcomponentname <The current nick name of the component> -newcomponentname <The new nick name of the component> -port <Port> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents> -managerid <ManagerID>

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Microsoft SQL
-hostip -oldcomponentname mssql68
-newcomponentname sql68 -port 1433 -ispassive no
-externalagents agt25 -managerid 100mgr

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Microsoft SQL
-hostname egurkha25 -oldcomponentname mssql68
-newcomponentname sql68 -port 1433 -ispassive no
-externalagents agt25 -managerid 100mgr

Changing the IP address

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype <Component Type>
-componentname <Nick name of the component> -oldhostip <The current IP address of the component> -newhostip <The new IP address of the component> -port <Port> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents> -managerid <ManagerID>

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Active Directory -componentname ad -oldhostip
-newhostip 389 -externalagents agt25 -managerid 100mgr

Changing the Hostname

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype <Component Type>
-componentname <Nick name of the component> -oldhostname <The current host name of the component> -newhostname <The new host name of the component> -port <Port> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents> -managerid <ManagerID>

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Active Directory -componentname ad -oldhostname egurkha25
-newhostname eg25 -port 389 -externalagents agt25
-managerid 100mgr

Changing the port number

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype <Component Type>
-hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <The nick name of the component> -oldport <The old port number> -newport <The new port number> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents> -managerid <ManagerID>

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostip -componentname web54 -oldport 80
-newport 7077 -externalagents agt25 -managerid 100mgr

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostname egurkha25 -componentname web54 -oldport 80
-newport 7077 -externalagents agt25 -managerid 100mgr

Changing monitoring mode of a Windows application from agent-based to agentless

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype <Component Type>
-hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <The nick name of the component> -port <Port number> -agentless yes -os <Windows 2012> -mode Perfmon -remoteagent <The remote agent for monitoring this target> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents> -managerid <ManagerID>

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostip -componentname web54 -port 80
-agentless yes -os Windows 2012 -mode Perfmon
-remoteagent -externalagents agt25
-managerid 100mgr

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostname egurkha25 -componentname web54 -port 80
-agentless yes -os Windows 2012-mode Perfmon
-remoteagent -externalagents agt25
-managerid 100mgr

Changing monitoring mode of a Unix application from agent-based to agentless

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype <Component Type>
-hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <The nick name of the component> -port <Port number> -agentless yes -os <Solaris/Linux/AIX/HP-UX/FreeBSD/Tru64> -mode <SSH/Rexec>
-remoteport <The remote port used by SSH/Rexec> -remoteuser <A valid user name on the target> -remotepwd <The password that corresponds to the user name> -remoteagent <The remote agent for monitoring this target> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents> -managerid <ManagerID>

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostip -componentname web54 -port 80
-agentless yes -os Linux -mode Rexec -remoteport 512
-remoteuser egtest -remotepwd egurkha2008
-remoteagent -externalagents agt25
-managerid 100mgr

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web
-hostnameegurkha25 -componentname web54 -port 80
-agentless yes -os Linux -mode Rexec -remoteport 512
-remoteuser egtest -remotepwd egurkha2008
-remoteagent -externalagents agt25
-managerid 100mgr

Changing monitoring mode agentless to agent-based

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype <Component Type>
-hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <The nick name of the component> -port <Port number> -agentless no
-externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents>
-managerid <ManagerID>

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostip -componentname web54 -port 80
-agentless no -externalagents agt25 -managerid 100mgr

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostname egurkha25 -componentname web54 -port 80
-agentless no -externalagents agt25 -managerid 100mgr

Changing OS of Agentless system from Windows to Unix

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype <Component Type>
-hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <The nick name of the component> -port <Port number> -agentless yes -os <Solaris/Linux/AIX/HP-UX/FreeBSD/Tru64> -mode <SSH/Rexec>
-remoteport <The remote port used by SSH/Rexec> -remoteuser <A valid user name on the target> -remotepwd <The password that corresponds to the user name> -remoteagent <The remote agent for monitoring this target> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents> -managerid <ManagerID>

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostip -componentname web54 -port 80
-agentless yes -os Linux -mode Rexec -remoteport 512
-remoteuser egtest -remotepwd egurkha2008
-remoteagent -externalagents agt25
-managerid 100mgr

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web
-hostname egurkha25 -componentname web54 -port 80
-agentless yes -os Linux -mode Rexec -remoteport 512
-remoteuser egtest -remotepwd egurkha2008
-remoteagent -externalagents agt25
-managerid 100mgr

Changing OS of Agentless system from Unix to Windows

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype <Component Type>
-hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <The nick name of the component> -port <Port number> -agentless yes -os <Windows 2012/Windows 2016 and above> -mode Perfmon -remoteagent <The remote agent for monitoring this target> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents> -managerid <ManagerID>

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostip -componentname web54 -port 80
-agentless yes -os Windows 2012 -mode Perfmon
-remoteagent -externalagents agt25
-managerid 100mgr

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web
-hostname egurkha25 -componentname web54 -port 80
-agentless yes -os Windows 2012 -mode Perfmon
-remoteagent -externalagents agt25
-managerid 100mgr

Switching off the ‘Internal Agent Assignment’ flag

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype <Component Type>
-hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <The nick name of the component> -port <Port number> -internalagentassignment no -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents> -managerid <ManagerID>

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostip -componentname web54 -port 80
-internalagentassignment no  -externalagents agt25
-managerid 100mgr

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostname egurkha25 -componentname web54 -port 80
-internalagentassignment no  -externalagents agt25
-managerid 100mgr

Switching on the ‘Internal Agent Assignment’ flag

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype <Component Type>
-hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <The nick name of the component> -port <Port number> -internalagentassignment yes -internalagent <The internal agent IP/nick name> -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents> -managerid <ManagerID>


eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostip -componentname web54 -port 80
-internalagentassignment yes -internalagent -externalagents agt25 -managerid 100mgr

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostname egurkha25 -componentname web54 -port 80
-internalagentassignment yes -internalagent -externalagents agt25 -managerid 100mgr

Converting a Virtual Application into a Physical Application

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype <Component Type>
-hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <The nick name of the component> -port <Port number> -virtualEnv no -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents> -managerid <ManagerID>

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostip -componentname web54 -port 80
-virtualEnv no -externalagents agt25 -managerid 100mgr

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web
-hostname egurkha25 -componentname web54 -port 80
-virtualEnv no -externalagents agt25 -managerid 100mgr

Converting a Physical Application into a Virtual Application

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype <Component Type>
-hostname <the name of the host on which the target component is executing> (or) -hostip <IP address of the component> -componentname <The nick name of the component> -port <Port number> -virtualEnv yes -virtualserver <ComponentType:ComponentName:port>  -externalagents <Comma-separated list of external agents> -managerid <ManagerID>

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web -hostip -componentname web54 -port 80
-virtualEnv yes -virtualserver vSphere/ESX(i):esx136:NULL -externalagents agt25 -managerid 100mgr

eGCLI ModifyComponent -componenttype Web
-hostname egurkha25 -componentname web54 -port 80
-virtualEnv yes -virtualserver vSphere/ESX(i):esx136:NULL -externalagents agt25 -managerid 100mgr