Retrieving the Elements Associated with a Zone

To retrieve the details of elements such as sub-zones, services, segments and components associated with a zone added on eG Enterprise, administrators can use the eG REST API. The URL can be specified in the following format:

URL: http://<eG manager IP:port>/api/eg/analytics/getZoneDetails

Method: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Inputs to be Specified
Parameters Key values Example


managerurl: Base URL of the eG Manager i.e., http://<IP address of the eG console:Port>

user: eG username or domain/eG username

pwd: Base64 encoded password


"zone" : "SEN-SQL.Zone"




"zone” : "name of zone"




Success Response
Type Code Content




"components": {

"total": 3,

"summary": [


"critical": 2,

"color": "#cd0f0f"



"major": 1,

"color": "#fa9d1c"



"minor": 0,

"color": "#ccc100"



"unknown": 0,

"color": "#30a1d9"



"normal": 0,

"color": "#0c9a12"



"details": [


"name": "SQL_10.36:1433",

"priority": "critical",

"type": "Microsoft SQL"



"name": "SQL_Cluster_10.51:1433",

"priority": "critical",

"type": "Microsoft SQL Cluster"



"name": "TEZ-MSSQL-DB:1433",

"priority": "major",

"type": "Microsoft SQL"






Failure Response
Type Code Content



{"code": 401,"error": "Invalid username or password"}



You may receive one of the following responses:

{"code": 400,"error": "Bad Request. Header parameters : Username or Password or Manager URL is missing"} (or)

{"code": 400,"error": "Bad Request. Header parameters : Manager URL, Username or Password is not provided"} (or)

{"code": 400,"error": "Please give Zone name."} (or)

{"code": 400,"error": "Bad Request. Please refer EG REST API documentation and add required parameters for this API."}


500 Server Error

{"code": 500,"error": " Server Error. Please check /manager/logs/error_log in the installation directory for more information."}

Retrieving Details of Zone Elements Using Postman REST Client

Figure 1 : Retrieving the details of the elements associated with a zone using Postman REST Client

Retrieving Details of Elements Associated with Zones using cURL

To retrieve the details of the elements associated with a zone added on eG Enterprise using cURL, the command should be specified in the following format:

curl -L -X POST "http://<eG Manager IP:Port>/api/eg/analytics/getZoneDetails" -H "user:<eG username or domain/eG username>" -H "pwd:Base64 encoded password" -H "managerurl:http://<eG Manager IP:Port>” -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-raw "{\"zone\" : \"name of zone\"}"

Figure 2 shows an example for retrieving the details of all the elements associated with a zone using cURL.

Retrieving Details of Zone Elements Using cURL

Figure 2 : Retrieving the details of all the elements associated with a zone using cURL