Why Monitor Redis?

As mentioned already, all Redis data resides in-memory, in contrast to databases that store data on disk or SSDs. By eliminating the need to access disks, in-memory data stores such as Redis avoid seek time delays and can access data in microseconds.

Because of the reduced seek time and improved accessibility of data, Redis is the 'go-to' database for search engines.

Also, Redis supports Pub/Sub with pattern matching and a variety of data structures such as lists, sorted sets, and hashes. This allows Redis to support high performance chat rooms, real-time comment streams, social media feeds and server intercommunication such as Twitter, Flickr, Pinterest etc.

To summarize, many widely popular applications rely on Redis for their data storage and retrieval needs. This means that even a short break in the availability of the database or any slowness in its performance, no matter how negligible, can adversely impact user experience with that business-critical application. To avoid this, administrators should continuously monitor the health and performance of the Redis server and capture performance issues, well before they impact the quality of user interactions with the dependent applications.