Tibero SQL Network Test

Using the JDBC API, this test reports the availability and responsiveness of the server, and collects statistics pertaining to the traffic into and out of the database server.

Target of the test : A Tibero Database server

Agent deploying the test :An internal agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for each target database server being monitored.

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameter Description

Test Period

How often should the test be executed.


The host for which the test is to be configured.


The port to which the specified host listens. By default, the port number is 8629.

User and Password

In order to monitor a Tibero database server, a special database user account has to be created in every Tibero database instance that requires monitoring. A Click here hyperlink is available in the test configuration page, using which a new Tibero database user can be created. Alternatively, you can manually create the special database user. When doing so, ensure that this user is vested with the select any dictionary and create session privileges.

The sample script we recommend for user creation for eG monitoring is:

create user tibeg identified by tibeg default tablespace <users> temporary tablespace<temp>;

grant create session, select any dictionary tibeg;

The name of this user has to be specified in the User text box, and the password of this user has to be entered in the Password text box. This login information is required to query Tibero's internal dynamic views, so as to fetch the current status / health of the various database components.

Confirm Password

Confirm the Password by retyping it here.

Tibero SID

Specify the SID of the target Tibero database instance that is to be monitored in this text box.

Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation

Immediate misses

This metric measures the latch contention for requests that were not willing to wait to acquire a latch. The value of this metric represents the percentage of “not willing to wait” latch requests that failed. In other words: the number of “not willing to wait” request misses / the total number of “not willing to wait” requests.



Willing-to-wait misses

This measures the latch contention for requests that were willing to wait to acquire a latch. The value of this metric represents the ratio of the number of requests that could not acquire a latch, to those that could acquire a latch.
