Querying the Test Tables for Performance Statistics

Task Command


Retrieving statistics collected by a particular test from across all the managed components in the environment

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test  <TestName>

egdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskSpace

Retrieving statistics collected by a particular test from specific hosts

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test  <TestName> -host <Comma-separated list of hosts>

egdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskSpace -host gen10,sun01


Retrieving statistics collected by a particular test from a specific application

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test  <TestName> -host <IP/Nickname of application> -port <Port number of application>

egdbcli -managerid mid -test SystemDetails -host mssql7 -port 1433

Retrieving only the last measure values reported by a test for a specific application

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -host <IP/Nickname of application> -port <Port number of application> -lastmeasure <True/False>

egdbcli -managerid mid -test MsSqlProcesses -host mssql7 -port 1433 -lastmeasure true

Retrieving the performance data reported by a test during a specific time period

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -startDate "<StartDate/Time>" -endDate "<EndDate/Time>"

egdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskActivity -startDate "2010-05-14 23:49:29.0" -endDate "2010-05-15 05:41:12.0"

Retrieving the performance data reported by a test in a desired date format

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -dateformat "<DateFormat>"

egdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskActivity -dateformat "dd-MM-yyyy"

Retrieving the last measure values for specific measures reported by a test

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -lastmeasure <True/False> -measures <Comma-separated list of measure column numbers>
egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -lastmeasure <True/False> -measures <Comma-separated list of measure display names in double-quotes>

egdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskActivity -lastmeasure true -measures 1,2


egdbcli -managerid mid -test Network -lastmeasure true -measures "Avg network delay,Min network delay"

Retrieving the performance data reported by a test and storing the data to a new file of a specific format

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -format <csv/txt/xml> -filename <Full path to the file>

egdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskActivity -format csv -filename c:\diskact

Retrieving the performance data reported by a test and storing the data to a file that pre-exists by overwriting that file

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -format <csv/txt/xml> -filename <Full path to the file> -append false

egdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskActivity -format csv -filename c:\diskact -append false

Retrieving the performance data reported by a test and storing the data to a file that pre-exists by appending the new data to that file

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -format <csv/txt/xml> -filename <Full path to the file> -append true

egdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskActivity -format csv -filename c:\diskact -append true

Retrieving the performance data for specific descriptors supported by a test

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -info <Descriptor>

egdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskActivity -info C,D

Retrieving the performance data collected by a particular measurement host

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -msmthost <Measurement host>

egdbcli -managerid mid -test Network -msmt

Retrieving the performance data pertaining to a specific web site

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -site <Sitename>

egdbcli -managerid mid -test WebTransactions -site www.egi.com

Retrieving the performance data pertaining to specific hosts associated with a web site

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -site <Sitename> -host <Comma-separated list of hosts>

egdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskSpace -site www.egi.com -host web7,ora9

Retrieving the performance data reported by a non-info-based test associated with an Oracle database server with multiple SIDs

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test  <TestName> -host <IP/Nick name of Oracle server> -port <Port number of Oracle server> -info <Comma-separated list of SIDs, with each SID suffixed by a + sign>

egdbcli -managerid mid -test MemoryDetails -host ora12 -port 1521 -info egurkha+,egdemo+


Retrieving the performance data reported by an info-based test associated with an Oracle database server with multiple SIDs

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test  <TestName> -host <IP/Nick name of Oracle server> -port <Port number of Oracle server> -info <Comma-separated list of SID-Info pairs, where each pair is of the format sid+info>

egdbcli -managerid mid -test DiskActivity -host ora12 -port 1521 -info egurkha+C,egurkha+D,egdemo+C,egdemo+D


Retrieving the detailed diagnosis associated with all the measures of a particular test

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -type dd

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test SystemDetails -type dd

Retrieving the detailed diagnosis associated with all the measures of a particular test for a particular component

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -host <IP/Nick name of component> -port <PortNumber> -type dd

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test SystemDetails -host gen34 -type dd (this is a non-port-based component; hence the -port parameter has been omitted)

Retrieving the detailed diagnosis related to a particular measure of a particular test for a specific component

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -measure "<MeasureDisplayName>" -host <IP/Nick name of component> -type dd


egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -measure <Measure column number> -host <IP/Nick name of component> -type dd

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test SystemDetails -measure "Free memory"  -host gen34 -type dd (this is a non-port-based component; hence the -port parameter has been omitted)


egdbcli -managerid md86 -test SystemDetails -measure 11 -host gen34 -type dd (this is a non-port-based component; hence the -port parameter has been omitted)

Retrieving the last measurement values of a test mapped to all components in a segment

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -segment <SegmentName> -lastmeasure <true/false>

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -segment seg1 -lastmeasure true

Retrieving the last measurement values of a test mapped to all components in a service

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -service <ServiceName> -lastmeasure <true/false>

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -service ser1 -lastmeasure true

Retrieving the last measurement values of a test that is mapped to the components in a segment that are associated with a service

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -segment <SegmentName> -service <ServiceName> -lastmeasure <true/false>

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -service ser1 -segment seg1 -lastmeasure true

Retrieving the last measurement values of a test mapped to a specific component in a service

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -service <ServiceName> -host <IP/Nick name of component> -port <PortNumber> -lastmeasure <true/false>

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -service ser1 -host ad23 -port 389 -lastmeasure true

Retrieving the last measurement values of a test mapped to a specific component in a segment

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -segment <SegmentName> -host <IP/Nick name of component> -port <PortNumber> -lastmeasure <true/false>

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -segment seg1 -host ad123 -port 389 -lastmeasure true

Retrieving the last measurement values of a specific test for components with nick names that match a specified set of search patterns

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -searchhost "<Comma-separated list of search patterns>" -lastmeasure <true/false>

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -searchhost "*i*,win*,*ora*" -lastmeasure true

Retrieving the last measurement values of a specific test with descriptors that match a specified set of search patterns

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -searchinfo "<Comma-separated list of search patterns>" -lastmeasure <true/false>

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -searchinfo "*C*,E" -lastmeasure true

Retrieving the last measurement values of a specific test mapped to a particular component with descriptors that match a specified set of search patterns

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -host <IP/Nickname of component> -port <PortNumber> -searchinfo "<Comma-separated list of search patterns>" -lastmeasure <true/false>

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test DiskSpace -host exch -port 25 -searchinfo "*C*,E" -lastmeasure true

Retrieving the last measurement values of a particular test across components, and grouping the result set by a specific column in the test table

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -lastmeasure <true/false> -groupby <ColumnName>

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test network -lastmeasure true -groupby trgt_host

Retrieving the last measurement values of a particular test across components, and sorting the result set in the ascending/descending order of the contents of a particular column in the test table

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -lastmeasure <true/false> -orderby <ColumnName>

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test network -lastmeasure true -orderby desc

Retrieving the detailed diagnosis (DD) of a test, and grouping the DD result by a specific column in the DD

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -type dd -groupby <ColumnName>

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test "System - Guest" -type dd -groupby trgt_host

Retrieving the detailed diagnosis of a particular test, and sorting the result set in the ascending/descending order of the contents of a particular column in the DD

egdbcli -managerid <ManagerID> -test <TestName> -type dd -orderby <ColumnName>

egdbcli -managerid md86 -test "System - Guest" -type dd -orderby desc

Requesting help with syntax while issuing commands for accessing test tables

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