AWS Connect Summary Layer

Using the tests associated with the AWS Connect Summary Layer (see Figure 1), you can monitor the following for the target Amazon Connect:

  • The current state of Amazon Connect Instance.

  • Whether/not inbound and outbout calls are enabled.

  • Number of queues.

  • The activity of the agents, such as, number of agents working in AfterContactWork state, number of agents who are available, number of agents working in error state, number of non-productive agents, etc.

  • The details of contact handled by the agents, such as, the average queue abandon time, the average after call work time of agent, number of contacts handled by an API operation, number of contacts that were queued for callbacks, number of contacts that were abandoned from the queue, number of calls disconnected by the agent, etc.


Figure 1 : The list of tests associated with the AWS Connect Summary Layer