Hive Transaction layer
Using the tests associated with the Hive Transaction layer (see Figure 1), you can monitor the following:
Number of API calls made to all/active databases in Apache Hive during the last measurement period.
Number of API calls made to all/active tables in Apache Hive during the last measurement period.
Number of API calls made to all/active functions in Apache Hive during the last measurement period.
Number of API calls made to all/active multi tables in Apache Hive during the last measurement period.
Number of all API calls that were initialized in Apache Hive during the last measurement period.
Number of initialized API calls that were active in Apache Hive during the last measurement period.
Number of API calls made to all/active table objects filtered by name in Apache Hive during the last measurement period.
Total number of databases/tables/partitions in the Metastore of the target Apache Hive data warehouse.
Average size of threads in the thread pool.
Total operation size of the queue.
Total number of MapReduce/Spark/Tez tasks that are currently running on Apache Hive.
Number of total/active SQL and API call operations that are currently initialized in the target Apache Hive.
Number of total/active SQL and API call operations that are currently running in the target Apache Hive.
Number of total/active SQL and API call operations that are currently pending in the target Apache Hive.
Number of total/active SQL and API call operations that are currently closed in the target Apache Hive.
Number of total/active SQL and API call operations that are currently completed in the target Apache Hive.
Number of total/active SQL and API call operations that are currently user active in the target Apache Hive.
Figure 1 : The list of tests associated with the Hive Transaction layer