Logging of Bulk Commands
When operations that are performed in bulk via the command line fail, an error message indicating which specific operations failed will appear at the command prompt. For instance, while adding ten components using an XML file, if the addition of five components fail, then the resulting error message will clearly indicate which component of which type could not be added. However, in order to troubleshoot a failure, it is not enough if you just know which operations failed; you would also require the knowledge of why they failed. To provide this information, the eG CLI automatically logs bulk operation failures to the <EGADMINCLI_INSTALL_DIR>\logs\<managerid>Log0.log file. For instance, if one/more bulk operations performed on the eG manager mgr147 fail, then the eG CLI will log the details of these failures to the <EGADMINCLI_INSTALL_DIR>\logs\mgr147Log0.log file. Administrators can use this log file to understand the reason for the failure of bulk operations, and then accordingly take the appropriate corrective steps.
By default, the <MANAGERID>Log0.log file will be allowed to grow up to a maximum size of 2MB. Beyond this limit, the contents of this log file will be copied to a <MANAGERID>Log1.log file, and the newer information will be logged in the original <MANAGERID>Log0.log file. This way, a maximum of 2 log files will be created, with the last log file being <MANAGERID>Log1.log file. This log rotation mechanism helps ensure that the log file does not grow beyond control.