Removing Components

Task Command Example

Deleting a Component

eGCLI DelComponent -componenttype <Component Type>
-componentname <The nick name of the component> -port <Port>
-managerid <ManagerID>

eGCLI DelComponent -componenttype Web
-componentname web54 -port 80 -managerid 100mgr

Deleting an Oracle database server with multiple instances

As already stated, if an Oracle database server is added with multiple SIDs, then the eG Enterprise system will monitor each SID as a different Oracle server. Therefore, while removing an Oracle database server that supports multiple SIDs, you cannot issue a single command to remove all the SIDs at one shot. Instead, the DelComponent command should be invoked separately for each SID.

eGCLI DelComponent -componenttype Oracle Database
-componentname ora8 -port 1521 -sid egdemo -managerid 100mgr

eGCLI DelComponent -componenttype Oracle Database -componentname ora8 -port 1521 -sid egora -managerid 100mgr