Renaming Groups in Bulk
Renaming Groups Using an XML File
The XML file created specifically for renaming multiple groups to the eG Enterprise system, should contain entries of the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Group action="rename">
<groupname><Name of the oldgroup></groupname>
<newgroupname><Name of the newgroup></newgroupname>
For instance:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Group action="rename">
Note that the XML tags are the same as the input parameters of the ‘RenameGroup’ command supported by eG CLI (see Renaming a Group)
Once the XML file is created on the orchestrator’s host, invoke the following command from the orchestrator to update the eG manager with all the modifications contained in the XML file:
egcli renamegroup -managerid <ManagerID> -file <Fullpath_to_the_XML_file>
For example:
egcli renamegroup -managerid mgr153 -file E:\bulkrenamegroup.xml
- Every Group specification should be included within the main <Group></Group> block only.
- A single XML file should not contain more than one <Group></Group> block.
- An XML file that is created for renaming groups should not include sections pertaining to any other operation.
Renaming Groups Using a CSV File
The CSV file created specifically for renaming multiple groups to the eG Enterprise system, should contain the following entries:
<Names of the old and new Groups>
For instance:
Once the CSV file is created on the orchestrator’s host, invoke the following command from the orchestrator to update the eG manager with all the modifications contained in the CSV file:
egcli renamegroup -managerid <ManagerID> -file <Fullpath_to_the_CSV_file>
For example:
egcli renamegroup -managerid mgr153 -file E:\bulkgrouprename.csv