Adding Components

This API aids in adding new components to the eG Enterprise.


A few key values of the Body parameter are optional. These optional key values are mentioned separately in the below table.

URL: http://<eG manager IP:port>/api/eg/orchestration/addcomponent

Method: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Inputs to be Specified
Parameters Key values Example


managerurl: Base URL of the eG Manager i.e., http://<IP address of the eG console:Port>

user: eG username or domain/eG username

pwd: Base64 encoded password

Example containing both Default and Optional key values:


"hostip":"", "componenttype":"Oracle Database", "componentname":"ora8", "port":"1521" ,





Example containing both Default and Optional key values:


"hostip":"", "componenttype":"Oracle Database", "componentname":"ora8", "port":"1521" ,








"hostip":"IP address of the component",


"componentname":"nick name of the component",

"port":"port at which the component listens"




"sid":"comma-separated list of SIDs",

"'externalagents":"comma-separated list of external agents assigned to the server",


"os":"Operating System of the server",

"mode":"Mode using which metrics are collected",


"keyfilename":"Key file name",

"remoteagent":"The remote agent that monitors the target",

"remoteport":"the port at which Rexec/SSH listens",

"remoteuser":"Valid user name on the target",

"remotepwd":"A valid password",


"internalagent":"IP address/nick name of the internal agent",



"virtualserver":"Virtual server name",




Success Response
Type Code Content




"Succeed": "Component has been added successfully."



Failure Response
Type Code Content




"Error": "Component already exist under this type."



"Error": "Cannot add agent based component for this component type."


Adding Components Using Postman REST Client

Figure 1 : Example to add components using Postman REST Client

Adding Components using cURL

To add components through the REST API using cURL, the command should be specified in the following format:

curl --location --request POST "http://<eG Manager IP:Port>/api/eg/orchestration/addcomponent" -H "managerurl:http://<eG Manager IP:Port>" -H "user:<eG username or domain/eG username>" -H "pwd:Base64 encoded password" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-raw "{'componenttype': 'ComponentType', 'hostip': 'IP address of the component', 'componentname': 'nick name of the component', 'port': 'port at which the component listens', 'agentless': 'yes/no', 'remoteagent': 'The remote agent that monitors the target', 'mode': 'Mode using which metrics are collected', 'sid': 'comma-separated list of SIDs', 'externalagents': 'comma-separated list of external agents assigned to the server', 'os': 'Operating System of the server', 'encrypttype': 'Password/Keybased', 'remoteuser': 'Valid user name on the target', 'remoteport': 'the port at which Rexec/SSH listens', 'remotepwd': 'A valid password', 'internalagentassignment': 'yes/no', 'internalagent': 'IP address/nick name of the internal agent', 'mtsenabled': 'yes/no', 'virtualenv': 'yes/no', 'virtualserver': 'Virtual server name', 'ispassive':'yes/no'}"

Note that the command specified above contains both the Default and Optional key values. Figure 2 shows an example of adding components using cURL.

Adding Components Using cURL

Figure 2 : Adding components using cURL