Single-click eG Agent Installation on an AVD Host Pool

This is ideal if you want to install eG agents on all AVD session hosts in specific host pools.

The broad steps to achieve this are as follows: 

  1. Create the agent installation script

  2. Run the installation script on the target AVD host pools

The procedure below includes all the steps mentioned above.

  1. Login to the admin portal of the Nerdio Manager.

  2. Figure 1 will then appear.

    Admin portal of Nerdio Manager

    Figure 1 : The Admin portal of the Nerdio Manager

  3. To create the agent installation script, first. expand the SCRIPTED ACTIONS node in the left panel, and click on the Windows scripts option within. The right panel will then change as depicted by Figure 2. Click on the Add scripted action button in the right panel to add a new script.

    Add scripted action button option

    Figure 2 : Clicking on the Add scripted action button

  4. Figure 3 will then appear. Here, provide a unique NAME for the new script.

    Name assignment to new agent installation script

    Figure 3 : Assigning a NAME to the new agent installation script

  5. Then, proceed to configure the entire agent installation script in the SCRIPT text area of Figure 3. For that, using another browser tab page, connect to the eG manager to which the eG agents on AVD session hosts should report. Login to the admin interface of the eG manager. Figure 4 will then appear.

    eG Admin interface

    Figure 4 : The eG Admin interface

  6. Click on the button indicated by Figure 4 above. Figure 5 will then appear. Click on Microsoft AVD Session Hosts in Figure 5.

    Selecting Microsoft AVD Session Hosts component to discover

    Figure 5 : Choosing to discover/monitor Microsoft AVD Session Hosts

  7. This will open Figure 6. Select Command Line as the Installation Method. Then, pick an Operating System and Environment that match the OS and flavor of the session hosts on which the agent is to be installed. The agent installation PowerShell script that corresponds to your specification will then be displayed. Click on the Copy button below the script.

    Copying agent installation PowerShell script

    Figure 6 : Copying the agent installation PowerShell script

  8. Then, switch back to Figure 3 of the Nerdio Manager , and paste the copied script in the SCRIPT text area (see Figure 7). Finally, click the Save & close button in Figure 7.

    Pasting agent installation script

    Figure 7 : Pasting the agent installation script

  9. Now, proceed to run this script on target AVD session hosts. For that, first, click on the WORKSPACES node in the left panel of Figure 2. The right panel will change as depicted by Figure 9.

    Workspaces list

    Figure 8 : List of workspaces

  10. Click on the workspace that contains the host pools of interest to you. By default, the Dynamic host pools in the chosen workspace will be listed (see Figure 9).

    Pre-existing Dynamic host pools

    Figure 9 : The Dynamic host pools that pre-exist

  11. Let us say that the AVD session hosts to be monitored are within Static host pools. In this case, click on the Static host pools option under WORKSPACES in the left panel of Figure 9. This will open Figure 10.

    Selecting Static host pools option

    Figure 10 : Clicking on the Static host pools option

  12. To install the eG agent on all AVD session hosts in a host pool, first, click on the down-arrow next to Convert to Dynamic against that host pool. A menu depicted by Figure 11 will then pop up. Hover your mouse pointer over the Hosts menu in Figure 11, and select the Run script option from within,

    Selecting Run script option for host pool

    Figure 11 : Choosing the Run script option for a host pool

  13. Figure 12 will then appear. From the 'Run the following Scripted actions . . .' drop-down, select the agent installation script you created previously.

    Running eG agent installation script on AVD session host

    Figure 12 : Running the eG agent installation script on an AVD session host

  14. Finally, click the Run now button in .

  15. Now, repeat steps 12-14 on every AVD host pool on which you want the agent deployed.