Monitoring CAM Payment System

As mentioned earlier, eG Enterprise provides a specialized model for monitoring CAM Payment System (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 : Layer model of CAM Payment System

Each layer of Figure 1 above is mapped to tests that report a variety of metrics revealing the loadtime, calculation time, utilization of connection and executor pools, and much more!

Using these metrics, administrators can find quick and accurate answers to the following persistent performance queries:

  • Is the rate at which credit file headers are loaded too low?

  • Is the percentage utilization of the database connection pool too high?

  • Is the percentage of executor pool size utilization too high? If so, then how many executors are currently being used?

  • Do the CAM file headers take too much time to load? If so, then what are the 75th, 95th, 99th, and 999th percentiles of loadtime?

  • Do the file headers that need evaluation take too much time to load? If so, then what are the 75th, 95th, 99th, and 999th percentiles of loadtime?

  • Do the file headers that are not evaluated take too much time to load? If so, then what are the 75th, 95th, 99th, and 999th percentiles of loadtime?

  • What is the statistical mean rate, median, and standard deviation of file header loadtimes?

  • Does the application take too much time to calculate the payment records? If so, then what are the 75th, 95th, 99th, and 999th percentiles of calculation time?

  • Are there too many payment records yet to be calculated?

  • Does the application take too much time to load risk reports? If so, then what are the 75th, 95th, 99th, and 999th percentiles of loadtime?

  • What is the statistical mean rate, median, and standard deviation of risk report loadtimes?

  • Are there too many risk reports yet to be evaluated?

  • Whether or not the application has been rebooted?

  • Has the application been running for a very long time? If so, then what is the uptime?