Setting Up eG VM Agent on Linux VMs
Once the eG VM agent is installed on a Linux VM, you have to configure that VM agent with a TCP port, so as to enable the remote agent to communicate with the VM agent, For this, follow the steps below:
Login to the Linux VM hosting the eG VM agent as the same user who installed it.
From the Shell prompt, switch to the opt/egvmagent/bin directory, and run the following command:
The licensing terms will then appear. Read the terms and type y when prompted to accept the displayed terms.
Configuring the eG VM Agent ...
The licensing terms for the eG software are mentioned in the file
/opt/egvmagent/license_agreement. PLEASE READ THIS FILE BEFORE
Please indicate if you accept the eG licensing terms y/n [n]:
You will now be prompted to specify the port at which the eG VM agent listens. By default, the eG VM agent listens at TCP port number 60001. You can change this port, if need be, by specifying a different number at this prompt.
Setup of the eG VM Agent communication path
Enter the port number of the eG VM Agent [60001]:
Once the port is set, the eG VM agent configuration will be successful, You will now see the following messages:
The eG VM Agent has been configured successfully.
Please use the commands /opt/egvmagent/bin/start_vmagent and
/opt/egvmagent/bin/stop_vmagent to start and stop the VM agent.
To provide feedback and report errors, please contact
Finally, proceed to start the VM agent by running the start_vmagent command from the /opt/egvmagent/bin folder.