CSG Performance Test

This test monitors connections to the Citrix Secure Gateway.

Target of the test : Any Citrix Secure Gateway server

Agent deploying the test : An internal agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results is reported for every Citrix secure gateway server being monitored.

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameter Description

Test Period

How often should the test be executed


The IP address of the host for which the test is being configured.


Refers to the port used by the Citrix secure gateway server

Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation

Successful connections to the CSG

The number of successful connections handled by the Citrix Secure Gateway during the last measurement period.



Successful CGP connections

The number of successful CSG protocol connections handled by the Citrix Secure Gateway during the last measurement period.



Successful SOCKS connections:

The number of successful SOCKS protocol connections handled by the Citrix Secure Gateway during the last measurement period.



Successful HTTP connections

The number of successful HTTP/HTTPS protocol connections handled by the Citrix Secure Gateway during the last measurement period.



Current active connections to the CSG

The number of connections currently being handled by the CSG.


If the number of active connections is unusually high or low, it may indicate a situation that warrants further investigation to see if the Citrix infrastructure is working well.

Active CGP connections

The number of CGP connections currently being handled by the CSG.



Active Socks connections to the CSG

The number of SOCKS connections currently being handled by the CSG.



Active HTTP connections to the CSG

The number of HTTP/HTTPS connections currently being handled by the CSG.



Failed connections to the CSG

The total number of failed client connection requests during the last measurement period.


This value is the sum of the Failed Connections (Timed Out), Failed Connections (SSL Error), and Failed Connections (General Client Error) counters.

Percent failed connections

The percentage of total connections handled that failed.



Client timeouts

The total number of client connection requests that were accepted but timed out before completing the protocol handshake during the last measurement period.



SSL handshake errors

The total number of client connection requests that were accepted but did not successfully complete the SSL handshake during the last measurement period.



Client errors

The total number of client connection requests that failed to connect to the Secure Gateway for any reason other than timing out or SSL handshake error during the last measurement period.



Avg client connection time

The average amount of time (in Secs) for a client connection request to complete the connection process.



Failed backend connections

The total number of backend connections that failed in the last measurement period.


Clients that successfully connect to the Secure Gateway may not successfully connect to backend servers, such as a Web server. These connections are not counted as part of the failed client connection count.

Pending connections

The total number of client connection requests accepted, but not yet completed by the Secure Gateway.


Pending connections are still active and have not timed out or failed. An increase in pending connections indicates a potential bottleneck at the CSG.