Silent Installation of the eG VM Agent
To silently install the eG VM agent on Windows virtual desktops on the cloud, follow the broad steps outlined below:
Creating silent mode script for eGVmagent installation
Installing eGVMAgent in silent mode
Each of these steps have been discussed elaborately below.
Creating a Silent Mode Script
For this, follow the procedure detailed below:
Login to a target Windows desktop on the cloud.
From the command prompt, run the following command to launch the normal mode installation of the eG VM Agent.
eGVMAgent_<32/64>.exe /a /r /f1"<Full path to the script file into which the installation inputs will be stored>”
For example:
eGVMAgent_x64.exe /a /r /f1"C:\script\eGVMAgent.iss”
Upon execution, this command will automatically create a script file of the given name in the location mentioned in the command.
Command execution will also begin the normal mode installation of the eG VM Agent. Provide inputs as and when necessary to proceed with the installation.
These inputs will be automatically recorded in the script file that was created in step 3.
Installing the eG VM Agent in the Silent Mode
Follow the steps given below to install the eG VM Agent in the silent mode:
Login to the Windows virtual desktop on the cloud, where the script file containing the inputs for installation resides.
Copy the script file from this desktop to the Windows virtual desktop on which you want to install the eG VM Agent in the silent mode.
Copy the eG VM Agent installation executable also to the target Windows virtual desktop.
Next, on the target Windows virtual desktop, run the following command from the command prompt:
eGVMAgent_<32/64>.exe /a /s /f1”<Full path to the script file containing the inputs for the installation>”
For example:
eGVmAgent_x64.exe /a /s /f1"C:\script\eGVMAgent.iss"
Upon successful execution, this command will automatically install the eG VM Agent on the target.
You can then repeat steps 1-5 on each Windows virtual desktop on the cloud where you want to install the eG VM Agent.