Db2 Connections Test
The Db2 Connections test reports key statistics pertaining to the local and remote connections to the DB2 database manager.
Target of the test : A DB2 database server
Agent deploying the test : An internal agent
Outputs of the test : One set of results for every DB2 database server being monitored
Measurement | Description | Measurement Unit | Interpretation |
Total connections: |
Indicates the total number of local and remote connections that are currently present in the database manager. |
Number |
Local connections: |
Indicates the number of local applications that are currently connected to a database within the database manager instance being monitored. |
Number |
This number can help you determine the level of concurrent processing occurring in the database manager. This number only includes applications that were initiated from the same instance as the database manager. The applications are connected, but may or may not be executing a unit of work in the database. When used in conjunction with the Remote connections measurement, this measure can help you adjust the setting of the MAXAGENTS configuration parameter. |
Remote connections: |
Indicates the percentage of agents waiting for a token so they can execute a transaction in the database manager. |
Percent |
This number does not include applications that were initiated from the same instance as the database manager. When used in conjunction with the Local connections measure, this measure can help you adjust the setting of the MAX_COORDAGENTS configuration parameter. |
Local connections in exec: |
Indicates the number of local applications that are currently connected to a database within the database manager instance being monitored and are currently processing a unit of work. |
Number |
This number can help you determine the level of concurrent processing occurring in the database manager. This number only includes applications that were initiated from the same instance as the database manager. When used in conjunction with the Remote connections in exec measure, this measure can help you adjust the setting of the MAXCAGENTS configuration parameter. |
Remote connections in exec: |
Indicates the number of remote applications that are currently connected to a database and are currently processing a unit of work within the database manager instance being monitored. |
Number |
This number can help you determine the level of concurrent processing occurring on the database manager. This number does not include applications that were initiated from the same instance as the database manager. When used in conjunction with the Local connections in exec measure, this metric can help you adjust the setting of the MAXCAGENTS configuration parameter. |
Note - This test will no longer be supported from DB2 10.5 version.