Clariion CRUs Test
A Customer Replaceable Unit (CRU) is a part or subassembly designed so that an end-user or customer can easily replace a failing part or subassembly where it is located.
This test auto-discovers the CRUs supported by a Clariion storage system, and reports the current state of each, so that potential failures are swiftly detected and the affected components replaced before any permananent damage occurs.
Target of the test : An EMC CLARiiON storage device
Agent deploying the test : A remote agent
Outputs of the test : One set of results for each CRU on the storage device.
Parameter | Description |
Test Period |
How often should the test be executed. |
Host |
The IP address of the storage device for which this test is to be configured. |
Port |
The port number at which the storage device listens. The default is NULL. |
By default, the host IP will be displayed here. If the eG agent has also been configured to use the SMI-S provider for metrics collection, then the IP address of host on which the SMI-S provider has been installed, will be displayed here by default. In this case, you should change the value of this parameter to reflect the IP address of the EMC CLARiiON storage device. However, if the eG agent uses only the NaviSphere CLI for monitoring, then the default settings can remain. |
NaviseccliPath |
The eG agent uses the command-line utility, NaviSecCli.exe, which is part of the NaviSphere Management Suite, to communicate with and monitor the storage device. To enable the eG agent to invoke the CLI, configure the full path to the CLI in the NaviseccliPath text box. |
User Name and Password |
Provide the credentials of a user who is authorized to access the storage device in the User Name and Password text boxes. |
Confirm Password |
Confirm the password by retyping it here. |
Timeout |
Indicate the duration (in seconds) for which this test should wait for a response from the storage device. By default, this is set to 120 seconds. Note that the 'Timeout' value should always be set between 3 and 600 seconds only. |
Measurement | Description | Measurement Unit | Interpretation | ||||||||||
Status |
Indicates the current status of this CRU. |
This measure reports one of the following values as the status of the CRU:
The numeric values that correspond to each of the states discussed above are as follows:
Note: By default, this measure reports the States listed in the table above to indicate the status of a CRU. The graph of this measure however, represents the CRU state using the numeric equivalents - 0 to 3. |