Managing ExaGrid Backup Server

The ExaGrid Backup Server can be automatically discovered by eG Enterprise. Therefore, administrators can either auto-discover the ExaGrid Backup Server in their environment or manually add the server.

To manage the ExaGrid Backup Servers that are automatically discovered, follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the eG admin interface.
  2. If the component is yet to be discovered, then, run discovery (Infrastructure -> Components -> Discovery).
  3. To manage an already discovered component, follow the menu sequence: Infrastructure -> Components -> Manage/Unmanage/Delete.
  4. Figure 1 and Figure 2 clearly illustrate the process of managing an ExaGrid Backup Server.

    Figure 1 : Selecting the ExaGrid Backup Server to be managed

    Figure 2 : Managing the ExaGrid Backup Server

  5. Next, sign out of the eG administrative interface.

To add the ExaGrid Backup Sserver manually to eG Enterprise, follow the steps below:

  1. Follow the Components -> Add/Modify menu sequence in the Infrastructure tile of the Admin menu.
  2. Next, select ExaGrid Backup Server from the Component type drop-down and then click the Add New Component button.
  3. Figure 1 then appears.

    Figure 3 : Adding an ExaGrid Backup Server

  4. In Figure 1 specify the following:

    • Host IP/name: Provide the Host IP/Name of the ExaGrid Backup Server that you want to manage.

    • Nick name: Assign a unique nick name to the target ExaGrid Backup Server

    • External Agents: Assign one/more external agents to the ExaGrid Backup Server being added.

  5. Next, click the Add button in Figure 1 to save the changes.