How Does eG Enterprise Monitor GemFire Cluster
eG Enterprise can monitor the GemFire cluster in an agent-based or an agentless manner. In case of the agentless approach, the remote agent used to monitor the GemFire cluster should be deployed on a remote Windows host in the environment.
Pre-Requisites for Monitoring the GemFire Cluster
- Ensure that the gemfire.jar file available in the <GemFire_Install_Dir>\lib folder is available in the <eG_INSTALL_DIR>\agent\lib folder.
- Regardless of the approach (agent-based or agentless), the eG agent should be configured to connect to the JRE used by the GemFire cluster so that the eG agent can pull out the required metrics, using JMX methodology.
By default, JMX requires no authentication or security (SSL). In this case therefore, to use JMX for pulling out metrics from the GemFire cluster, the following needs to be done:
- Login to the GemFire Cluster host.
The <GemFire_Install_Dir>\defaultConfigs folder used by the target application will typically contain the following files:
- cache.xml
- jmxremote.password
- jmxremote.access
- Edit the file and set the port number at which the JMX listens to. If the JMX listens to port 1099, then set the port number as 1099.
- Then save the file.
Next, during test configuration, do the following:
- Set JMX as the mode;
- Set the port that you defined in step 3 above (in the file) as the jmx remote port;
- Set the user and password parameters to none.
- Update the test configuration.
To know how to enable JMX support for JRE, refer to the Configuring the eG Agent to Support JMX Authentication topic.