Downloading and Deploying eG Agents

Upon signing into the eG web console, a tenant is welcomed by simple steps for getting started with operating the console. The first of these steps is to download the eG agents directly from the eG manager, via the console. To achieve this, click the DOWNLOAD link in Figure 1.

Steps For Getting Started With Using eG Web Console For SaaS

Figure 6 : Simple steps for getting started with using the eG web console for SaaS

Figure 7 will then appear listing the different environments that you can monitor - eg., Citrix, VMware Horizon, hypervisors etc. To download an eG agent, click the agentdownload icon in the top, right corner of this page.

List Of Environments That Can Be Monitored

Figure 7 : List of environments that can be monitored

Doing so will invoke Figure 8, where you need to indicate if the eG agent you are downloading should communicate with the eG manager via a proxy server. If not, then pick the No option. If a proxy server is to be used for agent-manager communication, then select the Yes option.

Indicating eG Agent Being Downloaded Should Communicate With eG Manager

Figure 8 : Indicating whether/not the eG agent being downloaded should communicate with the eG manager

If the Yes option is chosen in Figure 8, then Figure 9 will appear. Here, you need to provide the details of the proxy server used for agent-manager communication.

Configuring Agent-Manager Communication Via  Proxy Server

Figure 9 : Configuring agent-manager communication via a proxy server

Specify the following in Figure 5:

  • Proxy Server IP/Hostname: Mention the IP address/hostname of the proxy server used for agent-manager communication.
  • Proxy Server Port: Specify the port number at which the proxy server listens.
  • Does the proxy server require authentication?: Indicate whether/not the proxy server requires authentication. Select the No option if authentication is required, and Yes if it is.
  • Username, Password, and Confirm Password: If the proxy server requires authentication, then provide the credentials of a valid proxy server user against the Username and Password text boxes. Confirm the password by retyping it in the Confirm Password text box.
  • Finally, click the Submit button to confirm the proxy server specifications and proceed with the downloading of the eG agent.

Upon clicking the Submit button, Figure 10 will appear. By default, Figure 10 lists the 'internal agent packages' that have been uploaded to the eG manager - i.e., agent packages to be used for monitoring components in an agent-based manner. If you want to deploy a remote agent, click the agentless monitoring link in Figure 9. Likewise, to deploy an external agent, click the external monitoring link in the page.

eG's Internal Agent Packages Available For Download From eG Manager Console

Figure 10 : eG's internal agent packages available for download from the eG manager console


For agent packages to be listed in Figure 10, the administrator should first make sure that the agent packages that correspond to the tenant's environment are uploaded to the eG manager. For that, the administrator should do the following:

  1. Login to the system hosting the eG manager.
  2. From a browser, connect to the URL:<latest_version_number>/AgentPackages
  3. In this location, you will find a set of zip files. Each zip file is an agent package that corresponds to every operating system on which an eG agent can be installed.
  4. Download the agent packages / zip files that correspond to the hosts in your tenant's environment, to any folder on the eG manager host.

  5. Copy the downloaded packages to the <EG_MANAGER_INSTALL_DIR>\agents\Universal\Latest folder.

For instance, to download an internal agent package, click on the package of interest to you in Figure 10. With that, the downloading will begin (see Figure 11).

Progress Of  Download

Figure 11 : The progress of the download

The agent package will be downloaded as a zip file. You can copy this zip file to the target agent host, extract its contents, and run the setup.bat or file (as the case may be) within, as an administrator, to install the eG agent on that host. For detailed steps to install an eG agent in a SaaS deployment of eG Enterprise, refer to the eG Installation Guide.

Upon signing into the eG web console, a tenant is welcomed by simple steps for getting started with operating the console. Follow the steps detailed below to know how to use the console for downloading, installing, and configuring the eG agents for monitoring the infrastructure:

  1. First, click the Get Started Now link in Figure 1.