Datapower Statistics layer
Using the tests associated with the Datapower Statistics layer (see Figure 1), you can monitor the following:
Total amount of encrypted/unencrypted/temporary/internal storage space on the device.
Total amount of encrypted/unencrypted/temporary/internal space that is currently being used by this device
Amount of encrypted/unencrypted/temporary/internal space that is currently available for use on this device.
Percentage of encrypted/unencrypted/temporary/internal space that is currently being used by this device.
Total size of the redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID).
Amount of space that is currently utilized on the RAID.
Amount of space that is available for storing the data on the RAID.
Percentage of space used on the RAID.
Percentage of total load for the task during the measurement interval.
Total number of users currently logged into the device.
Number of new users logged into the device.
Number of users who are currently disconnected from the device.
Figure 1 : The list of tests associated with the Datapower Statistics layer