Copying the files required for monitoring the IIB server
To enable the eG agent to monitor an IIB server, certain files need to be copied to the <EG_INSTALL_DIR>/lib directory.
Ensure that the following jar files are copied from the [WebSphere MQ install directory/java/lib] directory to the <EG_INSTALL_DIR>/lib directory:
- fscontext.jar
- javax.jms.jar
- providerutil.jar
- dhbcore.jar
- connector.jar
Copy the following jar file from the [WebSphere MQ install directory/java/jre/lib] directory to the <EG_INSTALL_DIR>/lib directory:
- ibmjsseprovider2.jar
Copy the following jar file from the [IIB install directory/IBM/MQSI/] directory(in case of Windows environment) or from the [IIB install directory/var/MQSI/] directory(in case of Linux environment) to the <EG_INSTALL_DIR>/lib directory:
- ConfigManagerProxy.jar
If the IIB server is installed in a Windows environment and the eG agent is of 64 bit, copy the following file from the [Websphere MQ install directory/java/lib64] directory to the <EG_INSTALL_DIR>/lib directory:
- mqjbnd64.dll
Alternately, if the eG agent is of 32 bit, copy the following file from the [Websphere MQ install directory/java/lib64] directory to the <EG_INSTALL_DIR>/lib directory:
- mqjbnd.dll
If the IIB server is installed in a Linux environment, copy the following file from the [Websphere MQ install directory/java/lib64] directory (in case of a 64 bit eG agent) or the [Websphere MQ install directory/java/lib] directory (in case of a 32 bit eG agent) to the <EG_INSTALL_DIR>/lib directory:
After copying all the required files, remember to restart the eG agent. If IIB monitoring is done in an agentless manner, these jar files should be available on the remote agent that will perform the monitoring.