If any of the WebSphere tests is not reporting measures, then try to connect to the URL of the following format:
Here, specify
hostIP = IP of the machine in which the WebSphere Server is running.
hostPort = The port on which the server is running.
moduleName = The name of the module for which measures are required. This will vary from one test to another.
serverHostName = The value of the SERVERHOSTNAME parameter of the test
SOAPConnectorPort = The SOAP connector port that is mentioned against the CONNECTORPORT parameter of the test
userName and password = If security is enabled for the WebSphere server being monitored, then provide a valid user name and password
server = The value of the SERVERNAME parameter of the test
nodeName = The value of the NODENAME parameter of the test
All the examples provided below pertain to WebSphere environments, where security is not enabled.
If the WAS Oraclen test is not reporting measures, then use the following URL: hostname=egitlab04&nodename=egurkha07Node01&connectorport=8880&server=server1
If the WAS Connection Pools test is not reporting measures, then use the following URL: hostname=egitlab04&nodename=egurkha07Node01&connectorport=8880&server=server1
If the WAS Cache test is not reporting measures, then use the following URL: hostname=egitlab04&nodename=egurkha07Node01&connectorport=8880&server=server1
If the WAS Object Pools test is not reporting measures, then use the following URL: hostname=egitlab04&nodename=egurkha07Node01&connectorport=8880&server=server1
If the WAS Gateway test is not reporting measures, then use the following URL: hostname=egitlab04&nodename=egurkha07Node01&connectorport=8880&server=server1
If the WAS ORB Performance test is not reporting measures, then use the following URL: hostname=egitlab04&nodename=egurkha07Node01&connectorport=8880&server=server1
If the WAS Web Applications test is not reporting measures, then use the following URL: hostname=egitlab04&nodename=egurkha07Node01&connectorport=8880&server=server1
If the WAS Web Service test is not reporting measures, then use the following URL: hostname=egitlab04&nodename=egurkha07Node01&connectorport=8880&server=server1
If the WAS Sessions test is not reporting measures, then use the following URL: hostname=egitlab04&nodename=egurkha07Node01&connectorport=8880&server=server1
If the WAS Transactions test is not reporting measures, then use the following URL: hostname=egitlab04&nodename=egurkha07Node01&connectorport=8880&server=server1
If the WAS JVM test is not reporting measures, then use the following URL: hostname=egitlab04&nodename=egurkha07Node01&connectorport=8880&server=server1
If the WAS Threads test is not reporting measures, then use the following URL: hostname=egitlab04&nodename=egurkha07Node01&connectorport=8880&server=server1