
If any of the WebSphere tests is not reporting measures, then try to connect to the URL of the following format:

http://<WebSphereIP>:<WebSpherePort>/ egurkha/egurkha/EgWebSphere.jsp?module=<moduleName> &summary=true&hostname=<nodeName>&server=<servername>&user=<userName>&password=<password>&ndmanager=<nodemanagerhost>&connectorport=<connectorport>

Here, specify

hostIP           =  IP of the machine in which the WebSphere Server is running.

hostPort        =  The port on which the server is running.

moduleName  =  The name of the module for which measures are required. This will vary from one test to another.

nodeName=  The name of the node for every server

servername = The value of the SERVERNAME parameter of the test

user and password = If security is enabled for the WebSphere server being monitored, then provide a valid user name and password

ndmanager and connectorport = If the WebSphere server being monitored belongs to a WebSphere cluster, then provide the values of the ndmanager and connectorport parameters.



All the examples provided below pertain to non-clustered WebSphere environments, where security is not enabled.

  1. If the WebSphere JDBC test is not reporting measures, then use the following URL:

  2. If the WebSphereGlobalTransactions test is not reporting measures, then connect to the following URL: server1

  3. If the WebSphere Local Transactions test is not reporting measures, then connect to the following URL: server1

  4. If the WebSphere Servlet Sessions test is not reporting measures, then connect to the following URL: server1

  5. If the WebSphere Web Applications test is not reporting measures, then connect to the following URL: server1

  6. If the WebSphere Thread Pools test is not reporting measures, then connect to the following URL: server1

  7. If the WebSphere JVM test is not reporting measures, then connect to the following URL: server1

  8. If the Ws Beans test is not reporting measures, then connect to the following URL: server1

  9. If the WebSphere ORB Summary test is not reporting measures, then connect to the following URL: server1

  10. If the WebSphere ORB test is not reporting measures, then connect to the following URL: server1

  11. If the WebSphere Web Applications Summary test is not reporting measures, then connect to the following URL: server1

  12. If the WsWebSrvSum test is not reporting measures, then connect to the following URL: server1

  13. If the WsWebSrv test is not reporting measures, then connect to the following URL: server1

  14. If the WebSphere test is not reporting measures, then connect to the following URL: server1

If the desired output is not available in the above-mentioned URLs, then you can troubleshoot further using the URL:


For example, if the URL for WebSphere test does not display the performance metrics, then use the following URL to look for corresponding error information: server1&debug=true

If these URLs do not display the required statistics, then it could indicate either/all of the following:

  • The ear file has not been deployed properly. To verify this, follow the procedure discussed in Verifying the Deployment of the 'egurkha' Application.
  • The WebSphere server has not been started. In which case, you will have to start the WebSphere application server.

Enabling Additional Debugs for WAS Threads Test and WAS JVM Test

If the desired output is not available in the above-mentioned URLs, then you can troubleshoot further using the URL:


For example, if the URL for WAS JVM test does not display the performance metrics, then use the following URL to look for corresponding error information: server1&debug=true&serverdebug=true

For example, if the URL for WAS Threads test does not display the performance metrics, then use the following URL to look for corresponding error information: server1&debug=true&serverdebug=true