WebSphere Liberty Sessions Test
For each WAR File deployed on the target IBM WebSphere Liberty server, this test monitors the number of sessions that are accessing the file per second. In addition, this test reports the number of currently cached sessions that were accessing the file, the number of currently active sessions that were accessing the file, the number of invalidated sessions that were accessing the file etc. Using this test, administrators can figure out the WAR file that is being accessed by the maximum number of sessions.
Target of the test : An IBM WebSphere Liberty
Agent deploying the test : An internal agent
Outputs of the test : One set of results for each hostname:WAR file on the target IBM WebSphere Liberty server being monitored.
Parameters | Description |
Test Period |
How often should the test be executed . |
Host |
The host for which the test is to be configured. |
Port |
The port number at which the specified host listens. |
Service URL Path |
For the eG agent to collect metrics from the target IBM WebSphere Liberty server, the local connector should be enabled on the target server. Once the connector is enabled, a com.ibm.ws.jmx.local.address file will be created in the ${server.output.dir}/logs/state folder. The eG agent uses this file to connect to the target server and collect the required metrics from it. Therefore, specify the exact path to this file in the Service URL text box. For example, in case of Windows environments, the Service URL Path can be C:\wlp\usr\servers\server1\logs\state and in case of Linux environments, the Service URL Path can be /opt/wlp/ur/servers/server1/logs/state. |
Measurement | Description | Measurement Unit | Interpretation |
Session create rate |
Indicates the number of sessions that accessed this WAR file per second. |
Sessions/sec |
Live sessions |
Indicates the number of sessions that were accessing this WAR file and are currently cached in the memory of the sever. |
Number |
Compare the value of this measure across the WAR files to figure out the WAR file that is accessed using the maximum number of sessions. |
Active sessions |
Indicates the number of currently active sessions that were accessing this file. |
Number |
Compare the value of this measure across the WAR files to figure out the WAR file that is accessed by the maximum number of active sessions. |
Invalidated sessions |
Indicates the number of invalidated sessions that were accessing this file. |
Number |
Timeout invalidates |
Indicates the number of invalidated sessions (due to timeout ) that were accessing this file. |
Number |