Troubleshooting the Failure of the eG Remote Agent to Obtain the 'Inside View' of a Windows VM
If the eG remote agent is unable to obtain the inside view of a Windows VM, then, first check whether the agent is able to connect to the problem VM. The steps for performing this check will vary depending upon the operating system on which the remote agent executes.
The steps discussed below apply only when the following conditions are fulfilled:
- The KVM servers being monitored should be configured only with Windows VMs;
- All the Windows VMs should belong to a single domain only - i.e., the inside view tests for the target KVM server should be configured with a single Admin User and Admin Password only.
If the eG agent is operating on a Unix host, then the following steps will apply:
- Login to the Unix host as eG install user.
- Go to the shell prompt and switch to the /opt/egurkha/lib directory.
Set the classpath by issuing the following commands at the prompt:
Next, set the JRE path by issuing the following commands:
export PATH
Finally, issue the following command to try connecting to the Windows VM:
java EgWinConnect -user <username> -password <password> -domain <domainname> -IP <IP_address>
In this command:
Substitute the <username> and <password> variables with the values that you have configured for the Admin User and Admin Password parameters (respectively) for all inside view tests. While the admin user value can be easily obtained from the test configuration page in the eG administrative interface, the admin password cannot be so obtained, as it would be in an encrypted format in the user interface. To know the password therefore, do the following:
- Open the eg_agents.ini file in the /opt/egurkha/gent/config directory on the agent host.
- Look for entries related to the inside view tests that the agent has executed on the other Windows VMs on the target vSphere/ESX server.
- These entries will typically include a -admin_password parameter, which will be followed by the decrypted Admin Password.
- Make a note of the decrypted password, and substitute the <password> variable in the java EgWinConnect command with it.
- Next, substitute the <domainname> variable with the value that you passed to the domain parameter in the test configuration page, and the <IP_address> with the IP address of the problematic Windows VM.
- If this command fails, it is a clear indication that the remote agent is unable to communicate with the Windows VM. You will then have to investigate the reasons for the same and fix them in order to ensure that the agent is able to obtain the "inside view" of that VM.
If the eG agent is operating on a Windows host, then the following steps will apply:
- Login to the Windows host on which the eG agent is executing.
- Go to the command prompt and switch to the <EG_INSTALL_DIR>\lib directory.
Issue the following command to set the path to the <EG_INSTALL_DIR>\JRE\bin directory.
set path=<EG_INSTALL_DIR>\JRE\bin
Set the classpath by issuing the following command at the prompt:
set classpath=.<EG_INSTALL_DIR>\lib\eg_agent.jar;<EG_INSTALL_DIR>\lib\eg_util.jar
Finally, issue the following command to try connecting to the Windows VM:
java EgWinConnect -user <username> -password <password> -domain <domainname> -IP <IP_address>
In this command:
Substitute the <username> and <password> variables with the values that you have configured for the Admin User and Admin Password parameters (respectively) for all inside view tests. While the Admin User value can be easily obtained from the test configuration page in the eG administrative interface, the Admin Password cannot be so obtained, as it would be in an encrypted format in the user interface. To know the password therefore, do the following:
- Open the eg_agents.ini file in the <EG_INSTALL_DIR>\agent\config directory on the agent host.
- Look for entries related to the inside view tests that the agent has executed on the other Windows VMs on the target vSphere/ESX server.
- These entries will typically include a -admin_password parameter, which will be followed by the decrypted admin password.
- Make a note of the decrypted password, and substitute the <password> variable in the java EgWinConnect command with it.
Next, substitute the <domainname> variable with the value that you passed to the Domain parameter in the test configuration page, and the <IP_address> with the IP address of the problematic Windows VM.
A sample command is given below:
C:\eGurkha\lib>java EgWinConnect -user eguser -password C13120CB9E5D4B1423419897808BAE65 -domain mas -ip
If the command is successful, the following output will appear:
Attempt to connect and execute for
Output is [[Ok, , , , , Windows IP Configuration, , , , , , , , , Ethernet adapt
er Local Area Connection 2:, , , , , , Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : ,
, , IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :, , , Subnet Mask .
. . . . . . . . . . :, , , Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :, , , , EgDone 0(0x0)], []]
The command may fail when it encounters one of the following errors. The reasons for these errors and the recommended resolution for the same have been provided below.
Error Reason Fix Counldn't connect to \\<IP_of_Windows_VM>\ADMIN$
Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password
Occurs if the inside-view tests have been configured with an incorrect Domain, invalid Admin User name, or a wrong Admin Password.
Reconfigure the tests with the valid credentials of a domain administrator
Counldn't connect to \\<IP_of_Windows_VM>\ADMIN$
The network path was not found.
- Can occur if the ADMIN$ share has not been enabled on the target Windows VM;
- Can occur if the Windows firewall is blocking connection to the VM, or if File/Print Sharing has not been enabled yet.
- Enable the ADMIN$ share on the target VM.
- Provide domain administrator with full access to the ADMIN$ share.
Try connecting to the Windows VM remotely; if the problem persists:
- Reconfigure the Windows firewall to allow communication between the remote agent and the Windows VM;
- Reconfigure the Windows firewall to allow File/Print Sharing
Couldn't copy service to \\<IP_of_Windows_VMs>\ADMIN$
Access is denied.
- Can occur if the ADMIN$ share exists but the domain administrator does not have permission to access the shared folder;
- Can occur if the ADMIN$ share exists, but the user with full access to the shared folder is not the domain administrator.
Provide domain administrator with full access to the ADMIN$ share.