How eG Enterprise Helps Monitor Kubernetes?

eG Enterprise provides a dedicated monitoring model for those Kubernetes clusters that manage Docker hosts and containers.


eG Enterprise provides monitoring support to Kubernetes on Linux platforms only, and not on Windows.

This model is engineered to overcome the monitoring challenges posed by Kubernetes clusters.

  • Monitors complex Kubernetes infrastructures: eG Enterprise continuously monitors the status of the cluster nodes, the Kubernetes control plane services running on the master node, and the workloads and application services on the worker nodes. In the process, eG promptly detects and alerts administrators to real/potential operational failures that may cause a mismatch between the actual state of objects and the desired cluster state. Rapid problem detection enables swift problem resolution, which in turn ensures the high availability of business-critical applications/services running within the containers in the cluster.
  • Monitors dynamic containers: While a remote agent can monitor the Kubernetes cluster, you can also deploy the eG agent as a container and have the Docker hosts and containers within the cluster monitored. This way, administrators can track container status and be alerted if the status becomes abnormal! This ensures that containers are no longer black boxes. To know how to deploy a containerized agent, refer to How Does eG Enterprise Monitor Docker topic in the Monitoring Dockers document.
  • Monitors the Scaleable Microservices architecture: eG Enterprise also provides deep visibility into the performance of the different aggregations/groupings that are part of a Kubernetes cluster - e.g., NameSpaces, DaemonSets, Pods, Deployments etc. Regardless of how complex the infrastructure gets or how large it becomes over time, the eG remote agent can keep track of the operational health of these component groupings and report abnormalities. The eG agent monitoring the Kubernetes cluster can also keep an eye on container movement across the cluster. Administrators are thus alerted if containers are abruptly terminated on a Pod and are created on another.