Enabling SNMP for a Domino Server on Solaris

To enable SNMP on a Domino server on Solaris, follow the broad steps given below:

  1. Install the Master SNMP agent on the Domino server
  2. Configure the Domino SNMP agent to communicate with the Master SNMP agent
  3. Each of these steps has been discussed in great detail below.

Installing and Configuring the Master SNMP Agent on the Domino Server

On Solaris platform, the Domino SNMP Agent uses the SMUX protocol, per RFC 1227, to communicate with the system's Master SNMP Agent. The Solaris Master SNMP Agent does not support the SMUX protocol, making it necessary to substitute a Master SNMP Agent that does. On Solaris platforms, Domino includes a suitable NET-SNMP Master Agent, called NET-SNMPD, already configured to support the SMUX protocol and the Domino SNMP Agent.


Before using NET-SNMPD, disable any existing Master SNMP Agent. Please follow the steps below for disabling an existing Master SNMP Agent running on Solaris.

  • Log in as root.
  • Stop the SNMPDX daemon by typing, /etc/rc3.d/S76snmpdx stop.
  • Disable the SNMPDX daemon by issuing the command, mv /etc/rc3.d/S76snmpdx /etc/rc3.d/s76snmpdx.

To use the NET-SNMPD that is provided with Domino, do the following:

  1. Login as the root user.
  2. Next, install the NET-SNMPD files. Enter this command, changing the Domino executable path if necessary: cp /opt/lotus/notes/latest/sunspa/net-snmpd* /etc
  3. Arrange for NET-SNMPD to be restarted after a reboot. Enter these commands:

    1. ln -f -s /etc/net-snmpd.sh /etc/init.d/net-snmpd
    2. ln -f -s /etc/init.d/net-snmpd /etc/rc2.d/S76net-snmpd
    3. ln -f -s /etc/init.d/net-snmpd /etc/rc1.d/K76net-snmpd
  4. After installation, proceed to configure and start NET-SNMPD. Here is how:
  5. Udate the /etc/net-snmpd.conf file with appropriate community names for your remote management infrastructure. Community names are set using the rocommunity and rwcommunity directives. For instance, to set a community named nppublic, the command would be: Set rocommunity value to nppublic
  6. To manually start NET-SNMPD, login as the root user and issue the command, /etc/net-snmpd.sh start. To stop NET-SNMPD, use this command: /etc/net-snmpd.sh stop

Configuring the Domino SNMP Agent

The Domino SNMP Agent configuration on Solaris involves the following:

  • Configuring the LNSNMP agent to work with the Master SNMP Agent that is provided with Domino
  • Completing the configuration by starting the add-in tasks

Before attempting to configure the Domino SNMP agent, ensure the following:

  • The Solaris Master SNMP Agent provided with Domino should be properly installed and configured on the server. Refer to the steps discussed in Installing and Configuring the Master SNMP Agent on the Domino Server for the procedure.
  • TCP/IP and SNMP should be properly installed and configured on the server. Ensure that the Domino executable and the Domino data directories are in your search path.
  • The Domino SNMP Agent is set up to run automatically. Once the Domino SNMP Agent is configured, it is virtually always running, even when Domino is not. If you later upgrade Domino, stop the LNSNMP process, before beginning the upgrade process.

To configure the LNSNMP agent, do the following:

  1. Login as the root-user.
  2. Stop the LNSNMP process. Enter this command: lnsnmp.sh stop
  3. Stop the NET-SNMP Master Agent by entering this command: /etc/net-snmpd.sh stop
  4. Start the NET-SNMP Master Agent by entering this command: /etc/net-snmpd.sh start
  5. Start the LNSNMP process using the command, lnsnmp.sh start
  6. Create a link to the LNSNMP script. Enter this command, changing the Domino executable path if necessary: ln -f -s /opt/lotus/notes/latest/sunspa/lnsnmp.sh /etc/init.d/lnsnmp
  7. Arrange for LNSNMP to be restarted after a reboot. Enter these commands:

    1. ln -f -s /etc/init.d/lnsnmp /etc/rc2.d/S77lnsnmp
    2. ln -f -s /etc/init.d/lnsnmp /etc/rc1.d/K77lnsnmp

    After configuring the LNSNMP agent, start the Domino server add-in tasks such as the QuerySet, Event Interceptor, and Statistic Collector tasks. To achieve this, do the following:

    1. To support SNMP queries, start the QuerySet add-in task. Enter this command on the Domino Server console: load quryset
    2. To support SNMP traps for Domino events, start the Event Interceptor add-in task. Enter this command on the Domino Server console: load intrcpt
    3. To support Domino statistic threshold traps, start the Statistic Collector add-in task. Enter this command on the Domino Server console: load collect
    4. Arrange for the add-in tasks to be restarted automatically when Domino is next restarted. Add quryset and/or intrcpt and collect to the ServerTasks variable in Domino’s notes.ini file.

      ServerTasks =Update,Replica,Router,Amgr,AdminP,CalConn,Sched,LDAP,quryset,intrcpt,collect