How to Monitor Microsoft File Server Using eG Enterprise?
eG Enterprise adopts an agent-based approach for monitoring the Microsoft File Server. To start monitoring, first you need to manage the Microsoft File server component using the eG administrative interface. The following steps will help you to achieve this:
- Log into the eG administrative interface.
- If a Microsoft File server is already discovered, then directly proceed towards managing it using the Components – Manage/Unmanage/Delete page.
- However, if it is yet to be discovered, then run discovery (Infrastructure -> Components -> Discover) to get it discovered or add the component manually using the COMPONENTSpage (Infrastructure -> Components -> Add/Modify). Remember that components manually added are managed automatically. Discovered components, however, are managed using the Components – Manage/Unmanage/Delete page.
- To manage the Microsoft File server component that is auto-discovered, follow the Infrastructure -> Components -> Manage/Unmanage/Delete in the Infrastructure tile of the Admin menu.
- In the Components – Manage/Unmanage/Delete page that appears next, select Microsoft File as the Component type. Then, the auto-discovered components will be displayed under the Unmanaged Components section.
Next choose the component to be managed from the from the Unmanaged Components section. Figure 1 and Figure 2 clearly illustrate the process of managing the Microsoft File server component.
Figure 1 : Viewing the list of unmanaged Microsoft File servers
- Once the Microsoft File server component is managed, sign out of the eG administrative interface.