Windows Access Test

This test monitors the accesses to the Microsoft File server.

Target of the test : A Microsoft File server

Agent deploying the test : An internal agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for the file server that is being monitored

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameters Description

Test period

This indicates how often should the test be executed.


The host for which the test is to be configured.


Refers to the port used by the File server.

Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation

Blocking request rejects

The number of times in the last measurement period that the server has rejected blocking requests due to insufficient count of free work items


If the number of blocking request rejects is high, you may need to adjust the MaxWorkItem or MinFreeWorkItems server parameters

Permission errors

The number of times opens on behalf of clients have failed with STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED in the last measurement period


Permission errors can occur if any client/user is randomly attempting to access files, looking for files that may not have been properly protected.

File access denied errors

The number of times accesses to files opened successfully were denied in the last measurement period


This number indicates attempts to access files without proper access authorization.

Internal server errors

This value indicates the number of times an internal server error was detected in the last measurement period.


Unexpected errors usually indicate a problem with the server.

Data received

The rate at which the server has received data from the network


This metric indicates how busy the server is.

Data transmitted

The rate at which the server has sent data over the network


This metric indicates how busy the server is.

Resource shortage errors

The number of times STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED was  returned to clients in the last measurement period


A resource shortage event occurs when no work item is available or can be allocated to service the incoming request.  If many repeated resource shortage events occur, the  InitWorkItems or MaxWorkItems server parameters might need to be adjusted.

Avg response time

Average time taken by the server to respond to client requests


This is a critical measure of server health.