Pre-requisites for Node.js Business Transaction Monitoring

The following are the pre-requisites for performing Node.js business transaction monitoring using eG:

  • For the eG Node.js Business Transaction Monitor to function, your eG Enterprise infrastructure should include:

    • An eG Manager of version 7.2 (or above)
    • eG Agents of version 7.2 (or above)
  • The eG Node.js BTM can be installed on Node.js applications running v10 to v19.

  • If any other profiler - e.g., NewRelic, AppDynamics, etc. - pre-exists on theNode.js application, then, before BTM-enabling the Node.js application, make sure that the profiler is fully and properly uninstalled.
  • The eG Node.js BTM is supported only in the following environments:

    • Supported Web Frameworks

      • HTTP, HTTP(s) based
      • HTTP2
      • Express 4.x
      • Sails.js 1.x

    • Supported Database Frameworks

      • MongoDB 3.3 to 4.x
      • Mongoose 5.x and 6.x

      • MySQL 2.x

      • MySQL2 1.x and 2.x

      • Tedious (MSSQL) 1.x to 15.x

      • Microsoft SQL 7.x to 9.x

      • Redis 2.x to 4.x

    • Supported Messaging Clients

      • AMQPlib (RabbitMQ) 0.5x to 0.10x
    • Supported Elastic Environments
      • Standalone Docker

      • Standalone Kubernetes

      • AWS EC2 (using EC2 instances)

      • AWS EKS (using EC2 instances)

      • OpenShift

      • Azure Kubernetes (AKS)

  • For complete visibility into the transaction path, make sure that you BTM-enable each Node.js server/application in the transaction path.

  • Manage each Node.js server/application as a separate component in eG.