VM Connectivity Test

Sometimes, a VM could be in a powered-on state, but the failure of the VM operating system or any fatal error in VM operations could have rendered the VM inaccessible to users. In order to enable administrators to promptly detect such ‘hidden’ anomalies, the eG agent periodically runs a connectivity check on each VM using this test, and reports whether the VM is accessible over the network or not.

Target of the test : A Nutanix AHV server

Agent deploying the test : An external agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for each VM configured on the AHV serverbeing monitored.

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameter Description

Test Period

How often should the test be executed


The host for which the test is to be configured.


The port at which the specified host listens. By default, this is NULL

Prism Element IP

If the eG manager had discovered the target Nutanix AHV server by connecting to the Nutanix Prism Element, then the IP address of the Nutanix Prism Element server used for discovering this Nutanix AHV server would be automatically displayed against the Prism Element IP parameter; similarly, the Prism Element User and Prism Element Password text boxes will be automatically populated with the Prism Element user credentials, using which Nutanix AHV discovery was performed.

If this Nutanix AHV server has not been discovered using the Nutanix Prism Element, but you still want to monitor the Nutanix AHV server via the Prism Element, then select the IP address of the Prism Element server that you wish to use for monitoring the Nutanix AHV server from the Prism Element IP list. By default, this list is populated with the IP address of all Nutanix Prism Element hosts that were added to the eG Enterprise system at the time of discovery. Upon selection, the Prism Element user and Prism Element Password that were pre-configured for that Nutanix Prism Element will be automatically displayed against the respective text boxes.

On the other hand, if the IP address of the Prism Element server of interest to you is not available in the list, then, you can add the details of the Prism Element server on-the-fly, by selecting the Other option from the Prism Element IP list. This will invoke the MANAGER DISCOVERY - VIRTUAL PLATFORM SETTINGS page. Refer to the Configuring eG Enterprise to Monitor Nutanix AHV topic for details on how to use this page.

Prism Element User, Prism Element Password and Confirm Password

If the eG manager had discovered the target Nutanix AHV server by connecting to the Nutanix Prism Element, then the IP address of the Nutanix Prism Element server used for discovering this Nutanix AHV server would be automatically displayed against thePrism Element IP parameter; similarly, the Prism Element User and Prism Element Password text boxes will be automatically populated with the Prism Element user credentials, using which Nutanix AHV discovery was performed.

If this Nutanix AHV server has not been discovered using the Nutanix Prism Element, but you still want to monitor the Nutanix AHV server via the Prism Element, then select the IP address of the Prism Element server that you wish to use for monitoring the Nutanix AHV server from the Prism Element IP list. By default, this list is populated with the IP address of all Nutanix Prism Element hosts that were added to the eG Enterprise system at the time of discovery. Upon selection, the Prism Element User and Prism Element Password that were pre-configured for that Prism Element server will be automatically displayed against the respective text boxes.

On the other hand, if the IP address of the Prism Element server of interest to you is not available in the list, then, you can add the details of the Prism Element server on-the-fly, by selecting the Other option from the Prism Element IP list. This will invoke the MANAGER DISCOVERY - VIRTUAL PLATFORM SETTINGS page. Refer to the Configuring eG Enterprise to Monitor Nutanix AHV topic for details on how to use this page.


By default, the Nutanix Prism Element server is SSL-enabled. Accordingly, the SSL flag is set to Yes by default. This indicates that the eG agent will communicate with the Prism Element server via HTTPS by default.


By default, the Nutanix Prism Element server listens on port 9440. This implies that while monitoring a Nutanix AHV server via the Prism Element server, the eG agent connects to port 9440.

Exclude VMs

Administrators of some virtualized environments may not want to monitor some of their less-critical VMs - for instance, VM templates - both from 'outside' and from 'inside'. The eG agent in this case can be configured to completely exclude such VMs from its monitoring purview. To achieve this, provide a comma-separated list of VMs to be excluded from monitoring in the Exclude VMs text box. Instead of VMs, VM name patterns can also be provided here in a comma-separated list. For example, your Exclude VMs specification can be: *xp,*lin*,win*,vista. Here, the * (asterisk) is used to denote leading and trailing spaces (as the case may be). By default, this parameter is set to none indicating that the eG agent obtains the inside and outside views of all VMs on a virtual host by default. By providing a comma-separated list of VMs/VM name patterns in the Exclude VMs text box, you can make sure the eG agent stops collecting 'inside' and 'outside' view metrics for a configured set of VMs.

Ignore VMs Inside View

Administrators of some high security Hyper-V environments might not have permissions to internally monitor one/more VMs. The eG agent can be configured to not obtain the 'inside view' of such ‘inaccessible’ VMs using the Ignore VMs Inside View parameter. Against this parameter, you can provide a comma-separated list of VM names, or VM name patterns, for which the inside view need not be obtained. For instance, your Ignore VMs Inside View specification can be: *xp,*lin*,win*,vista. Here, the * (asterisk) is used to denote leading and trailing spaces (as the case may be). By default, this parameter is set to none indicating that the eG agent obtains the inside view of all VMs on a Hyper-V host by default.


While performing VM discovery, the eG agent will not discover the operating system of the VMs configured in the Ignore VMs Inside View text box.

Ignore WINNT

By default, the eG agent does not support the inside view for VMs executing on Windows NT operating systems. Accordingly, the Ignore WINNT flag is set to Yes by default.

Inside View Using

By default, this test communicates with every VM remotely and extracts “inside view” metrics. Therefore, by default, the Inside View Using flag is set to Remote connection to VM (Windows).

Typically, to establish this remote connection with Windows VMs in particular, eG Enterprise requires that the eG agent be configured with domain administrator privileges. In high-security environments, where the IT staff might have reservations about exposing the credentials of their domain administrators, this approach to extracting “inside view” metrics might not be preferred. In such environments therefore, eG Enterprise provides administrators the option to deploy a piece of software called the eG VM Agent (Windows) on every Windows VM; this VM agent allows the eG agent to collect “inside view” metrics from the Windows VMs without domain administrator rights. Refer toConfiguring the eG Agent to Collect Current Hardware Status Metrics for more details on the eG VM Agent. To ensure that the “inside view” of Windows VMs is obtained using the eG VM Agent, set theInside View Using flag to eG VM Agent (Windows). Once this is done, you can set the Domain, Admin User, and Admin Password parameters to none.

Packet Size

The size of packets used for the test (in bytes).

Packet Count

The number of packets to be transmitted during the test.


How long after transmission should a packet be deemed lost (in seconds).

Packet Interval

Represents the interval (in milliseconds) between successive packet transmissions during the execution of the network test for a specific target.

Report Unavailability

By default, this flag is set to No. This implies that, by default, the test will not report the unavailability of network connection to any VM. In other words, if the Network availability measure of this test registers the value 0 for any VM, then, by default, this test will not report any measure for that VM; under such circumstances, the corresponding VM name will not appear as a descriptor of this test. You can set this flag to Yes, if you want the test to report and alert you to the unavailability of the network connection to a VM.

Measurements made by the test

Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation

Avg network delay:

Indicates the average delay between transmission of packet to a VM and receipt of the response to the packet at the source.


An increase in the value of this measure is a cause for concern. Given below are some common reasons for such an anomaly:

  • The network between the VM and the eG external agent is congested. When there is an increase in traffic on the interconnecting network, data transmission can slow down, thereby increasing communication latency.

  • The quality of the network connection between the eG external agent and the VM is sub-par. Poor signal quality, faulty transmission lines, etc. can result in an increase in packet loss and/or network latency.

  • The VM is overloaded. If the VM is very busy, it takes longer to respond to requests, and this will result in an increase in latency.

  • There are problems with network routingbetween the VM and the eG external agent. A faulty network router, routing loops, etc., can increase network latency. Check the detailed diagnosis of this test to track latency on the first three hops between the agent and the VM. The latency to each hop can be used to determine which hop the problem lies in.

Min network delay:

The minimum time between transmission of a packet and receipt of the response back.


A significant increase in the minimum round-trip time is often a sure sign of network congestion.

Packet loss:

Indicates the percentage of packets lost during transmission from source to target and back.


A value close to 100% for this measure is a cause for concern. Given below are some common reasons for such an anomaly:

  • The network between the VM and the eG external agent is congested. When there is an increase in traffic on the interconnecting network, packets may be dropped.

  • The quality of the network connection between the eG external agent and the VM is sub-par. Poor signal quality, faulty transmission lines, etc. can result in an increase in packet loss and/or network latency.

  • The VM is overloaded. If the VM is very busy, it takes longer to respond to requests, and this will result in packet drops.

  • There are problems with network routingbetween the VM and the eG external agent. A faulty network router, routing loops, etc., can increase packet loss. Check the detailed diagnosis of this test to know the hops that are on the path from the external agent to target VM, and the packet loss on each hop. This information can be used to diagnose the hop(s) that could be causing excessive packet loss.

Network availability of VM:

Indicates whether the network connection is available or not.


A value of 100 indicates that the VM is connected. The value 0 indicates that the VM is not connected.

Typically, the value 100 corresponds to a Packet loss of 0.

The value 0 for this measure could mean that the target VM is either down or too busy, or the interconnecting network is down.