Changing the LogOn Privileges of the eGurkhaAgent Service of the eG Agent that Monitors the Oracle iPlanet Web Server on Windows

After trusting the SSL Certificate of the administration server to which a Oracle iPlanet web server on Windows is registered, you need to configure the eGurkhaAgent service of the eG agent on that web server to run using the privileges of the user who trusted the certificate. For this purpose, do the following:

  1. Login to the target Oracle iPlanet web server.
  2. Open the Component Services window to view the eGurkhaAgent service. Right-click on the service, and pick Properties from the shortcut menu that appears.


    Figure 1 : Selecting the Properties option of the eGurkhaAgent service

  3. Select the LogOn tab from the Properties dialog box that appears (see Figure 1). Then, choose the This account option from the Log on as section of Figure 2, and provide the Domainname\Username of the user using whose privileges the eGurkhaAgent service should run. Provide the Password of the domain administrator, and confirm the password by retyping it in the Confirm Password text box.


    Figure 2 : Specifying the credentials of the user using whose privileges the eGurkhaAgent service should run

  4. Finally, click the Apply button in Figure 1.6, and then the ok button to register the changes.