Progress Data File I/O Test

If a datafile is able to process I/O requests to it quickly, it is a sign of the good health of the Progress database server. On the other hand, any slowdown in IOPS could indicate a serious processing bottleneck on the server, probably caused by a poor indexing engine or badly structured tables in a datafile. Administrators should hence continuously track the reads/writes to every datafile on the Progress database server, identify the rate at which data related to the datafile was read/written from the buffer, and measure how well the requests were processed by the datafile. For this purpose, you can run the Progress Data File IO test.

This test auto-discovers the datafiles on the Progress database server and reports the rate at which reads/writes were performed on the datafile. This test also reports the rate at which data was read/written from the buffer and the rate at which data is read/written from the disk directly. In the process, I/O processing bottlenecks can be detected and the datafiles that are affected can be identified.

Target of the test : A Progress Database server

Agent deploying the test : An internal agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for every data file of the target Progress database server that is to be monitored

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameter Description

Test Period

How often should the test be executed


The IP address of the Progress database server.


The port number on which the database server is listening. By default, this is NULL.

Database Name

Specify the name of the Progress database instance that is to be monitored.


In order to monitor a Progress database instance, a special database user account has to be created in every Progress database instance that requires monitoring. This special user needs to be granted a set of privileges. To know how to create the database user and grant the required privileges, refer to Pre-Requisites for monitoring the Progress database. Specify the name of such a user in this text box.


The password of the specified Username.

Confirm Password

Confirm the password by retyping it here.

Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation


Indicates the rate at which read operations were performed on this datafile during the last measurement period.




Indicates the rate at which write operations were performed on this datafile during the last measurement period.



Buffer reads

Indicates the rate at which data related to this datafile were read from the buffer during the last measurement period.



Buffer writes

Indicates the rate at which data related to this datafile were written on the buffer during the last measurement period.



Unbuffer reads

Indicates the rate at which data related to this datafile was read from the disk instead of the buffer during the last measurement period.



Unbuffer writes:

Indicates the rate at which data related to this datafile was directly written to the disk during the last measurement period.



Unbuffer read ratio

Indicates the ratio of read operations served from the disk to the total read operations for this datafile.


A low value is desired for this measure. A sudden/gradual increase in the value of this measure implies that the read and write operations are performed on the disk.