How does eG Enterprise Monitor the QVD Server Node?

The Quality Virtual Desktop model adopts a patented In-N-Out approach to monitoring the QVD Server Node. This approach involves a single eG agent deployed on a remote Windows host in the environment, which remotely connects to the monitored QVD Server Node via SSH, monitors the overall health of the QVD host, and also reports the count and status of desktops configured on that host, from ‘outside’ the desktops. This is termed as the ‘outside view’.

In addition, the eG remote agent connects to each Linux VM on the Server Node via SSH, captures which user logged into which desktop when, closely tracks the activities of a user on a desktop, and reports the impact of these activities on the physical resources of the QVD Server Node. Since this view reveals what happens ‘inside’ a virtual desktop, it is called the ‘inside view’.

Pre-requisites for monitoring the QVD Server Node

To enable the eG agent to perform In-N-Out monitoring, the following pre-requisites should be fulfilled:

General Prerequisites

  • Ensure that the remote agent is able to communicate with the eG manager port (default: 7077).

Pre-requisites for obtaining the ‘outside-view’ of the virtual desktops

  • Ensure that the remote agent has IP connectivity to the QVD Server Node.

  • Make sure that the SSH port (default: 22) is enabled for communication between the eG agent and the QVD Server Node.

  • Ensure that all the tests executed by the eG agent are configured with the credentials of a user with root permissions.

Pre-requisites for obtaining the ‘inside-view’ of the virtual desktops

  • Ensure that the SSH port (default: 22) is enabled for communication between the eG agent and each of the Linux desktops.

  • All the ‘inside-view’ tests executed by the eG agent on Linux VMs, should be configured with the credentials of a user with local administrator privileges. Before doing so, you should make sure that the same local administrator is available on every Linux VM to be monitored or configure multiple users – one for every Linux VM to be monitored.