How to Monitor Siebel Application Server using eG Enterprise?

eG Enterprise monitors the Siebel Application server in agent-based and agentless manners. Before attempting to monitor the server, a set of pre-requisites should be fulfilled. These requirements are discussed in the following section.

Pre-Requisites for monitoring the Siebel Application Server

The following pre-requisites need to be fulfilled for an eG agent to collect metrics from the Siebel Application server:

  • The target Siebel Application server should be installed with JDK 1.5 and above.
  • The Management Agent should be installed on the target Siebel Application server. By default, the Management Agent collects the required metrics from the target Siebel Application server. The eG agent communicates with the Management Agent and collects the required metrics at periodic intervals.
  • By default, the Management Agent is installed using the credentials of a user possessing Admin privileges. The credentials of such a user will be available in the file that is located at the following location: <SIEBEL_INSTALL_DIR>\mgmtsrvr\security. By default, the name of the user will be SADMIN. The user credentials can be obtained from the following lines of the file: (this is Encrypted password)

  • Ensure that the Management Agent communicates with the Siebel Management server using the default port number 1199. To confirm the default port, refer to the following line of the <SIEBEL_INSTALL_DIR>\mgmtagentsrvr\pref\system\configuration.agents.xml file:

    <entry key="defaultconnector" value="4:service:jmx:rmi://W2K3XEN225VM12/jndi/rmi://W2K3XEN225VM12:1199/jmx/siebel/agent" />

If the port number specified in the above file is different, then ensure that you specify the same port number while configuring the Siebel Application server in the COMPONENT page of the eG administrative interface.