Administering the eG SuperManager

An important step in installing and configuring the eG SuperManager is to administer the eG SuperManager system. During this process, an administrator configures which managers are monitored by the eG SuperManager system, how many managers are currently running, what are the components that are configured for each manager, what are the tests that are executed for each component, and how the measurements reported by the tests are to be interpreted. The administrator is also responsible for determining which users are allowed access to the eG SuperManager system. This chapter describes the various functions that an eG administrator can perform with the eG SuperManager system.

Figure 2 : The eG SuperManager login screen

To access the eG SuperManager system using a web browser, connect to the URL http://<IP of the SuperManager>:<Port number of the SuperManager>/, if the SuperManager is configured without SSL. Alternately, if the SuperManager is configured with SSL, connect to the URL https://<IP of the SuperManager>:<Port number of the SuperManager>/. Figure 2 shows the eG SuperManager login window. The user has to login from this window in order to access the eG SuperManager system. The eG SuperManager system is predefined with a default user - egsm. Therefore, you are required to login with the username egsm and password egsm.

While specifying the URL, please take care of the following aspects:

  1. If the host name was provided when installing the SuperManager, use this name (and not the IP address) for accessing the user interface via the web browser.
  2. If the host name is provided, make sure that forward and reverse lookups for this name are enabled via the DNS service in the target environment.
  3. If an administrator forgets the login Password, he/she should contact the eG Enterprise to retrieve the password.

If eG managers reporting to the SuperManager are integrated with Active Directory servers, then an additional Domain list appears in the login page. The domain users who login to the eG managers are allowed to login to the SuperManager by selecting the Domain to which the user belongs to.

Figure 3 : The SuperManager login allowing users to login with Domain credentials