Tomcat Connectors Test

The Http connector in the Tomcat Web server, represents a Connector component that supports the HTTP/1.1 protocol, which enables Catalina to function as a stand-alone web server, besides its ability to execute servlets and JSP pages. A particular instance of this component listens for connections on a specific TCP port number on the server to perform request processing and response creation. You can have one or more such Connectors configured to form a part of a single Service with each forwarding service to the associated engine.

This observes the data traffic on each connector and measures the connector's processing ability.

Target of the test : A Tomcat Server

Agent deploying the test : An internal agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for every connector configured on the Tomcat server being monitored.

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameter Description

Test Period

How often should the test be executed.


The IP address of the host for which this test is to be configured.


Refers to the port at which the specified host listens to.

Measurement Mode

This test can extract metrics from Tomcat using either of the following mechanisms:

  • By deploying the egtomcat.war file in the <EG_INSTALL_DIR>\lib directory of the eG agent host on the Tomcat server;
  • By contacting the Java runtime (JRE) of Tomcat via JMX

To configure the test to use egtomcat.war file, first select the War file option. Then, refer to the How Does eG Enterprise Monitor Tomcat Servers? to know how to deploy the WAR file on the target Tomcat server.

On the other hand, if you want the test to use JMX instead, then first, select the JMX option. Then, follow the procedure detailed in the How Does eG Enterprise Monitor Tomcat Servers? to configure the test to use jmx. By default, the JMX option is chosen here.

JMX Remote Port

This parameter appears only if the Measurement Mode is set to JMX. Here, specify the port at which the JMX listens for requests from remote hosts. Ensure that you specify the same port that you configured in the (or catalina.bat) file in the <CATALINA_HOME_DIR>/bin folder of the target Tomcat server (refer to the How Does eG Enterprise Monitor Tomcat Servers? for more details).

JMX User, JMX Password, and Confirm Password

These parameters appear only if the Measurement Mode is set to JMX. If JMX equires authentication only (but no security), then ensure that the JMX User and JMX Password parameters are configured with the credentials of a user with read-write access to JMX. To know how to create this user, refer to the How Does eG Enterprise Monitor Tomcat Servers?. Confirm the password by retyping it in the Confirm Password text box.


This parameter appears only if the Measurement Mode is set to JMX. The JNDIName is a lookup name for connecting to the JMX connector. By default, this is jmxrmi. If you have registered the JMX connector in the RMI registery using a different lookup name, then you can change this default value to reflect the same. 

JMX Provider

This parameter appears only if the Measurement Mode is set to JMX. This test uses a JMX Provider to access the MBean attributes of the target Java application and collect metrics. Specify the package name of this JMX Provider here. By default, this is set to com.sun.jmx.remote.protocol.


This parameter appears only if the Measurement Mode is set to War File. Indicate Yes if the Tomcat server is SSL-enabled.


This parameter appears only if the Measurement Mode is set to War File. Specify the URL of the managed Tomcat server to enable the test to connect to it and extract measures from it. The URL specification should be of the format: http://{TomcatIP}:{TomcatPort}.

UserName, Password, and Confirm Password

These parameters appear only if the Measurement Mode is set to War File. In the UserName text box, specify a name of a user who has been assigned the Manager role on the Tomcat server to be monitored; these users are typically allowed to control web applications deployed on the Tomcat server. Specify the Password of this user, and confirm the password by retyping it in the Confirm Password text box.


This parameter appears only if the measurement modeis set to War File. Select Yes if you want to encrypt the password.


Specify the duration (in seconds) for which this test should wait for a response from Tomcat. If there is no response from Tomcat beyond the configured duration, the test will timeout. By default, this is set to 240 seconds.

Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation

Request count

Indicates the number of requests received by the connector, since the last measurement period.



Avg processing time

Indicates the average time taken by the connector to process requests.


This measure is a clear indicator of the Connector health. Ideally, this value should be low. A very high value indicates processing bottlenecks.

Data sent

Reports the data that was sent by the connector since the last measurement period.



Data received

Reports the data that was received by the connector since the last measurement period.


Both the Data sent and Data received measures together indicate the load on the Tomcat server.

Error count

Indicates the number of errors that were reported by the connector since the last measurement period.


Ideally, the value of this measure should be 0. A non-zero value warrants further investigation.