App Volumes Manager Connection Status Test

The 24x7 availability of the VMware App Volumes Manager is imperative to ensure that users have uninterrupted access to the AppStacks, Writable Volumes desktops/data and other critical computing resources. A VMware App Volumes Manager might be rendered unavailable owing to many reasons – e.g., an internal configuration error, the non-availability of the VMware App Volumes Manager’s web interface, etc. While the knowledge of the failure of a VMware App Volumes Manager is valuable to an administrator, knowing what caused the failure can alone help the administrator quickly resolve the issue and restore the VMware App Volumes Manager to normalcy.

This test instantly informs administrators of the non-availability (if any) of the VMware App Volumes Manager, reports the response code received for the requests, and also intimates them of any probable slowdown in the responsiveness of the server.

Target of the test : A VMware App Volumes Server

gent deploying the test : A internal/remote agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for each AppStack on the target VMware App Volumes Manager being monitored

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameter Description

Test Period

How often should the test be executed.


The host for which the test is to be configured.


The port at which the specified Host listens to. By default, this is set to 3443.

AppVol User

By default, the eG agent uses the RESTful APIs to collect the metrics from the target VMware App Volumes Manager. To be able to connect to the RESTful API, the eG agent should be configured with the credentials of a user belonging to an active directory group that is vested with the Administrators (Read only) rights. Specify the credentials of such a user in this text box. To know how to assign the Administrators (Read only) role to an active directory group, refer to Enabling the Administrators (Read only) role.

AppVol Password

Specify the password that corresponds to the AppVol User.

Confirm Password

Confirm the password by retyping it here.


By default, in most virtualized environments, the VMware App Volumes Manager listens on port 3443 irrespective of being SSL-enabled or not. This implies that while monitoring the target VMware App Volumes Manager , the eG agent, by default, connects to port 3443 of the VMware App Volumes Manager to pull out metrics. Accordingly, the WebPort parameter is set to 3443. In some environments however, the default port 3443 might not apply. In such a case, against the WebPort parameter, you can specify the exact port at which the VMware App Volumes Manager in your environment listens so that the eG agent communicates with that port.


Set the SSL flag to Yes, if SSL (Secured Socket Layer) is to be used to connect to the target VMware App Volumes Manager, and No if it is not.

Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation


Indicates whether the VMware App Volumes Manager is available or not.


Availability failures could be caused by several factors such as the server process(es) being down, the server being misconfigured, a network failure, etc. Temporary unavailability may also occur if the server is overloaded. Availability is determined based on the response code returned by the server. A response code between 200 to 300 indicates that the server is available.

The value 100% for this measure indicates that the target VMware App Volumes Manager is available, and the value 0 indicates that it is not.

Response time

Indicates the time taken by the VMware App Volumes Manager to respond to the HTTP / HTTPS requests received.


If the value of this measure consistently increases, it indicates that the performance of the target VMware App Volumes Manager is gradually deteriorating. Ideally, the value of this measure should be low.

Response code

Indicates the response code returned by the HTTP / HTTPS request.


The possible values for this measure and what they represent are detailed in the table below:

Measure Value Description

The API request was successful and received a response.


The API request was successful and a new resource has been created as a result.


The API request was malformed and could not be processed.


You have no access and/or are not authorized.


You are authorized but do not have the privileges for this API.


The URL was not found


The called method is not allowed or is not supported


The request timed out (20 seconds maximum).


The API request was received but there was a server error.


Service unavailable at this time or too early to process.


HTTP other than 1.1 not supported.