Determining the availability/unavailability of a Software
In most IT infrastructures, some software will be marked as critical/essential for security/business reasons, and might have to be deployed on almost all the systems in the infrastructure. For instance, in highly secure environments, anti-virus software might have to be present on all target systems to protect the data/hardware from malicious virus attacks. As the size of the infrastructure keeps increasing, it often becomes difficult for administrators to track the availability of such software on the new additions to the target environment. The page eases the pain of such administrators, by serving as a single, central interface using which they can quickly verify the availability of critical software across the environment.
This page can be accessed by the following menu sequence, Inventory->Availability/Unavailability->Software.
This page will also appear, when a software displayed in the Top-N Installed Software section of the Home page is clicked; in such a case, this page will indicate the availability/unavailability of the software that was clicked on.
To view the availability and unavailability of a specific software, do the following:
- Select an operating system (OS) from the Operating System list as depicted in Figure 1. To set the desired OS to be displayed by default in this page use the menu sequence Settings -> Display and provide the required OS name in the Operating System for Software/Service/Hotfix availability page.
- Now, select the desired software in the Software Name.
- Upon selecting specific software from the Software Name list box, All option will be selected in the Show field. (see Figure 1)
Finally, click on the SUBMIT button.
- Doing so will display a bar graph depicting the availability of the selected software, in the systems that have the chosen OS installed.
- Below this graph, you will also see a table providing the entire list of systems, on which the selected software is available/unavailable as depicted in Figure 1.
- Clicking on the specified system name will take you to the INVENTORY BY SYSTEM page, which provides the basic configuration of that chosen system.
To view the list of all the software installed on all the systems executing on a specific OS do the following:
- Select an OS from the Operating System list as depicted in Figure 2.
- Next select the All option from Software Name, and select the All option from the Show list. By default, the All option will be selected from the Service Name and from the Show lists.
Finally, click on the SUBMIT button.
- Doing so will display a bar graph, depicting the availability of all the software installed on a specified OS. Below this graph you will also see a table providing the entire list of systems on which each software is currently available/unavailable as depicted in Figure 2.
- Clicking on a system name will take you to the INVENTORY BY SYSTEM page, which provides the basic configuration of that chosen system.
- Click on the
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