Configuring the PageGate Software to Transmit Alarms Sent by the eG Manager
To achieve this, follow the steps given below:
- Please make sure that a dial-up modem is connected to the eG manager host.
Install the PageGate software on the eG manager host and start the PageGate server as shown below:
Figure 1 : Starting the PageGate server
Once the PageGate server is started, a PageGate icon will appear in the SystemTray. By clicking on this icon, a pop-up menu depicted by Figure 2 appears:
Figure 2 : Clicking on the PageGate icon to view a pop-up menu
From the menu, click on PG Admin to launch the PageGate Admin console. Alternatively, you can start PageGate admin by following menu sequence depicted by Figure 3.
The PG Admin console that then appears displays a tree-structure in the left pane. Expand the global PageGate node in the tree to view its sub-nodes. Now, proceed to add a new carrier by right-clicking on the Carriers sub-node and selecting the Add option from the shortcut menu that appears. The carrier represents the paging service provider using whose services PageGate will be transmitting SMS messages to configured recipients.
Upon selecting the Add option, the right-pane will change to display an interface using which the new carrier’s details can be provided.
- In Figure 4, enter the carrier name and phone number, and retain the default values for all other fields.
- Finally, click on the Apply button to create the carrier.
Next, to enable the PageGate server to get SMS messages using a command-line/ASCII interface, expand the Interfaces node in the tree, expand its Estacio sub-node, and select Settings (see Figure 5).
- When Figure 6 appears, select the Enabled check box to enable the GetAscii interface, and then proceed to provide a Polling Directory and a Polling Interval. At a configured Polling Interval, the GetAscii interface polls the Polling Directory for any messages to be sent out via pager. To ensure that the GetAscii interface polls the tmp directory of the eG manager for SMS messages to be paged, set <EG_MANAGER_INSTALL_DIR>\tmp as the Polling Directory. Finally, click the Apply button.
Then, proceed to start the GetAscii interface. For that, right-click the GetAscii sub-node of the Interfaces node in the tree structure, and pick the Start option from the shortcut menu that appears.
You can confirm whether the interface actually started or not by selecting the Status sub-node under the GetAscii node in the tree structure (see Figure 7). The Status field in the right panel will then indicate whether the GetAscii interface is currently running or not.
Next, proceed to configure the recipients to whom the SMS messages have to be paged. For that, right-click on the Recipients sub-node under the PageGate node and pick the Add option from the menu that pops out.
Figure 9 : Adding a new recipient
In the right panel, provide the details of the new recipient, as depicted by Figure 10 below.
- While furnishing recipient information, make sure that you provide the same value in the Recipient and in the iD/PIN text boxes. In other words, provide the id or pin of the new recipient in the Recipient text box as well. Also, make sure that the GetAscii check box is selected in the Enabled Services section, choose the appropriate carrier, and also select the Alpha checkbox (necessary for sending alphanumeric pages).
- Finally, click on the Apply button to create the recipient.
- Next, either copy the sendpage32.exe from the PageGate install directory to the <EG_INSTALL_DIR>\lib folder, or include the PageGate install directory in the eG manager’s PATH variable. The second approach will need a manager restart for the changes to take effect.