Manually Installing / Uninstalling the Auto-restart Feature for the eG Agent / Manager
To manually install/uninstall the auto-restart feature for the eG agent / manager, do the following:
Move to the /opt/egurkha/bin directory and run the command, auto_restart <argument1> <argument2>, where <argument1> could be either of the following:
- install: Enter install if you wish to install the auto-restart feature
- uninstall: Type uninstall if you wish to uninstall the auto-restart feature
- <argument2> could hold either of the following values:
- manager: Enter manager to ensure that the manager restarts on system reboot
- agent: Enter agent if the agent is to be restarted on system reboot
If none of the above arguments are provided, or, an incorrect / invalid argument is provided, then the following message will appear:
Usage /opt/egurkha/bin/auto_restart [ install | uninstall ] [ manager | agent ]
Now, specify the correct argument and proceed with the corresponding process.
Only a super user has the permission to execute the auto_restart script. Therefore, if the current user is not the super user, then soon after the following message is displayed, the install / uninstall process will be terminated:
Current user ‘john’ does not have permission to execute this script
Only super user can execute this script!
On the other hand, if the current user is the super user, then the script will begin installing / uninstalling the auto-restart feature. Upon successful installation of the auto-restart feature for an agent, you will see the following message:
Successfully installed the auto-restart feature for the eG agent!
Upon successful installation of the auto-restart feature for a manager, you will see the following message:
Successfully installed the auto-restart feature for the eG manager!
Similarly, upon successfully uninstalling the auto-restart feature for an agent, you will see the following message:
Successfully uninstalled the auto-restart feature for the eG agent!
In the same manner, once the installation of the auto-restart feature for a manager becomes successful, the following message will appear:
Successfully uninstalled the auto-restart feature for the eG manager!