Apigee App Analytics Test
This test reports the statistics pertaining to the traffic to and from each application running on the Apigee Edge server. These details help administrators to determine which application receives more number of user requests and quickly/slowly responds to the received requests. This way, administrators can find out the applications that are most popular among the users and also isolate the applications that are slow and latent. In the process, this test reveals the count of errors encountered by each application at regular intervals, thus pointing administrators to the erratic performance of the applications. This enables administrators to take necessary steps to fix the problematic condition before it affects the user experience.
Target of the test : Apigee Edge Server
Agent deploying the test : An external agent
Outputs of the test : One set of results for each environment and app pair in the target Apigee Edge server.
Parameter | Description |
Test period |
How often should the test be executed |
Host |
The IP address of the host for which this test is to be configured. |
Port |
The port at which the target Apigee server listens to. |
Username and Password |
By default, the eG agent uses the REST API to collect the metrics from the target Apigee Edge server. To be able to connect to the REST API, the eG agent should be configured with the Apigee email and password of a user who is vested with the rights. Specify the Apigee email and password in the Username and password text boxes. |
Confirm Password |
Confirm the password by retyping it here. |
By default, the SSL flag is set to Yes indicating that the SSL (Secured Socket Layer) is used to connect to the target Apigee Edge server. If not so, set the SSL flag to No . |
Organizations |
To enable the eG agent to monitor a particular organization of your interest, specify the name of that organization against this parameter. For instance, primaryorg. Doing so will enable the eG agent to monitor each of the components within the specified organization. |
Environments |
The organization specified in the Organizations field can contain multiple environments such as dev, test, and prod environment. To enable the eG agent to monitor an environment of your interest, specify the name of that environment in the Environments field. For example, test. |
Timeout Seconds |
Specify the duration (in seconds) within which the REST API command executed by this test should time out in this text box. The default is 120 seconds. |
Measurement | Description | Measurement Unit | Interpretation |
User count by apps |
Indicates the total number of users who were using this application during the last measurement period. |
Number |
Compare the value of this measure across the applications to know which application is very popular among users. |
Requests count by apps |
Indicates the total number of client requests received by this application during the last measurement period. |
Number |
This measure is a good indicator of workload of each application. Compare the value of this measure across the applications to know which application handled maximum number of requests. |
Average response time by apps |
Indicates the average time taken by this application to respond to the received requests during the last measurement period. |
Milliseconds |
A very low value is desired for this measure. An increase in the value of this measure indicates that the application is very slow in processing the requests. Compare the value of this measure across the applications to know which application took maximum time to respond to the requests. |
Average target response time by apps |
Indicates the average time that this application waited to receive the response from the backend targets during the last measurement period. |
Milliseconds |
Ideally, the value of this measure should be very low. This measure helps administrators to figure out how well the backend targets are performing while servicing the requests. |
Errors by apps |
Indicates the number of errors encountered by this application during the last measurement period. |
Number |
Average request size by apps |
Indicates the average size of the request payload received by this application during the last measurement period. |
KB |
Average response size by apps |
Indicates the average size of the response payload of this application during the last measurement period. |
KB |
Average response processing latency by apps |
Indicates the average amount of time that this application took to process the responses. |
Milliseconds |
Typically, the value of this measure denotes the time starting when each application receives the target service response and ending when the Apigee Edge server forwards the response to the original caller. A high value is a cause for concern, as it indicates a potentially slow resource. Compare the value of this measure across the applications to know which application is the most latent in sending out sthe responses. |
Average request processing latency by apps |
Indicates the average amount of time that this application took to process the requests. |
Milliseconds |
Typically, the value of this measure indicates the time in Milliseconds from the time when a call reaches the application to the time when Apigee Edge server sends the request to the target backend server. |