Controller Service Details Test

This test auto-discovers the critical services executing on the XenDesktop 7 server, and reports the status of each service. With the help of this test, you can promptly detect which services have failed currently.

Target of the test : A Citrix Delivery Controller 7.x

Agent deploying the test : An internal agent

Outputs of the test : One set of results for every controller configured within a site.

Configurable parameters for the test
Parameter Description

Test Period

How often should the test be executed.


The IP address of the host for which this test is to be configured.


Refers to the port at which the specified host listens to.


In order to monitor the target Delivery Controller 7, eG requires a special user with the following privileges;

  • The All scope and read-only privileges
  • The Allow log on locally security privilege on the Delivery Controller host

The steps for assigning such privileges to a user are discussed in the Pre-requisites for monitoring the Citrix Delivery Controller 7.x. Specify the name of such a user, here.


Specify the password for the user specified in the Username text box, here.

Confirm Password

Confirm the Password by retyping it here.


Here, specify the domain to which the user specified in the Username text box belongs to.

Measurements made by the test
Measurement Description Measurement Unit Interpretation

Broker service status

Indicates the current status of the broker service on this broker.


The Citrix Broker Service brokers connections from endpoint devices to desktops and applications.

The numeric values that correspond to the Measure Values that this measure can take  are as follows:

Measure Value Numeric Value
OK 1
DBUnconfigured 2
DBRejectedConnection 3
InvalidDBConfigured 4
Electroencephalographic 5
DBOlderVersionThanService 6
DBVersionChangeInProgress 7
PendingFailure 8
Failed 9
Unknown 10
DBNotFound 11
DBMissingOptionalFeature 12
DBMissingMandatoryFeature 13


By default, this measure reports the above-mentioned Measure Values while indicating the current state of the broker service. However, in the graph of this measure, the same will be represented using the corresponding numeric equivalents – i.e., 1 to 13.

AD identity service status

Indicates the current status of the AD Identity Service on this broker.


The Citrix AD Identity Service manages active directory computer accounts. Once the broker validates a user login, this service connects to the broker’s database to identify the virtual desktop that is assigned to the user who has logged in.

The values that this measure reports and the numeric values that correspond to them  are as follows:

Measure Value Numeric Value
OK 1
DBUnconfigured 2
DBRejectedConnection 3
InvalidDBConfigured 4
DBNotFound 5
DBNewerVersionThanService 6
DBOlderVersionThanService 7
DBVersionChangeInProgress 8
Failed 9
Unknown 10


By default, this measure reports the above-mentioned Measure Values while indicating the current status of the AD Identity Service. However, in the graph of this measure, the same will be represented using the corresponding numeric equivalents – i.e., 1 to 10.

Configuration service status

Indicates the current status of the Configuration Service on this broker.


The Citrix Configuration Service stores the configuration information related to Citrix services in the broker’s MS SQL database.

The values that this measure can report and their corresponding numeric values are as follows:

Measure Value Numeric Value
OK 1
DBUnconfigured 2
DBRejectedConnection 3
InvalidDBConfigured 4
DBNotFound 5
DBNewerVersionThanService 6
DBOlderVersionThanService 7
DBVersionChangeInProgress 8
Failed 9
Unknown 10


By default, this measure reports the above-mentioned Measure Values while indicating the current status of the Configuration service. However, in the graph of this measure, the same will be represented using the corresponding numeric equivalents – i.e., 1 to 10.

Host service status

Indicates the current status of the Host service on this broker.


The Citrix Host Service manages host and hypervisor connections.

The values that this measure can take and their corresponding numeric values are as follows:

Measure Value Numeric Value
OK 1
DBUnconfigured 2
DBRejectedConnection 3
InvalidDBConfigured 4
DBNotFound 5
DBNewerVersionThanService 6
DBOlderVersionThanService 7
DBVersionChangeInProgress 8
Failed 9
Unknown 10


By default, this measure reports the above-mentioned Measure Values while indicating the current status of the Configuration service. However, in the graph of this measure, the same will be represented using the corresponding numeric equivalents – i.e., 1 to 10.

Machine creation service status

Indicates the current status of the Machine Creation Service on this broker.


The Citrix Machine Creation Service creates new virtual machines.

Once a valid user logs into the Delivery Controller via the Web Interface, the Delivery Controller manages the delivery groups by building, starting, and shutting down the desktops as required. At this juncture, the Delivery Controller relies on Machine Creation Services (MCS) to deliver the appropriate desktop image to the Pooled and Dedicated delivery groups.

The values that this measure can take and their corresponding numeric equivalents are as follows:

Measure Value Numeric Value
OK 1
DBUnconfigured 2
DBRejectedConnection 3
InvalidDBConfigured 4
DBNotFound 5
DBNewerVersionThanService 6
DBOlderVersionThanService 7
DBVersionChangeInProgress 8
Failed 9
Unknown 10


By default, this measure reports the above-mentioned Measure Values while indicating the current status of the Machine creation service. However, in the graph of this measure, the same will be represented using the corresponding numeric equivalents – i.e., 1 to 10.

Admin service status

Indicates the current status of the Delegated Administration service on this broker.



The Delegated Administration Service (DAS) stores information about Citrix administrators and the rights they have. Services in the XenDesktop deployment use the DAS to determine whether a particular user has the privilege to perform an operation or not.

The values that this measure can report and their corresponding numeric equivalents are as follows:

Measure Value Numeric Value
OK 1
DBUnconfigured 2
DBRejectedConnection 3
InvalidDBConfigured 4
DBNotFound 5
DBNewerVersionThanService 6
DBOlderVersionThanService 7
DBVersionChangeInProgress 8
Failed 9
Unknown 10


By default, this measure reports the above-mentioned Measure Values while indicating the current status of the Delegated Administration service. However, in the graph of this measure, the same will be represented using the corresponding numeric equivalents – i.e., 1 to 10.

Licensing service status

Indicates the current status of the Licensing service on this broker.



The values that this measure can take and their corresponding numeric values are as follows:

Measure Value Numeric Value
OK 1
DBUnconfigured 2
DBRejectedConnection 3
InvalidDBConfigured 4
DBNotFound 5
DBNewerVersionThanService 6
DBOlderVersionThanService 7
DBVersionChangeInProgress 8
Failed 9
Unknown 10


By default, this measure reports the above-mentioned Measure Values while indicating the current status of the Licensing service. However, in the graph of this measure, the same will be represented using the corresponding numeric equivalents – i.e., 1 to 10.

Monitoring service status

Indicates the current status of the Monitoring service on this broker.


The Citrix Monitor Service monitors the Flexcast system. Citrix FlexCast is a delivery technology that allows an IT administrator to personalize virtual desktops to meet the performance, security and flexibility requirements of end users. Currently, there are five different FlexCast models available.

The values that this measure can take and their corresponding numeric values are as follows:

Measure Value Numeric Value
OK 1
DBUnconfigured 2
DBRejectedConnection 3
InvalidDBConfigured 4
DBNotFound 5
DBNewerVersionThanService 6
DBOlderVersionThanService 7
DBVersionChangeInProgress 8
Failed 9
Unknown 10


By default, this measure reports the above-mentioned Measure Values while indicating the current status of the Monitoring service. However, in the graph of this measure, the same will be represented using the corresponding numeric equivalents – i.e., 1 to 10.

Logging service status

Indicates the current status of the Logging service on this broker.


The Configuration Logging Service logs configuration changes or administrator requested state changes made to the site.

The values that this measure can take and their corresponding numeric values are as follows:

Measure Value Numeric Value
OK 1
DBUnconfigured 2
DBRejectedConnection 3
InvalidDBConfigured 4
DBNotFound 5
DBNewerVersionThanService 6
DBOlderVersionThanService 7
DBVersionChangeInProgress 8
Failed 9
Unknown 10


By default, this measure reports the above-mentioned Measure Values while indicating the current status of the Monitoring service. However, in the graph of this measure, the same will be represented using the corresponding numeric equivalents – i.e., 1 to 10.

AppDisk status

Indicates the current state of the AppDisk service.


Citrix AppDisk, a new application layering technology in XenApp and XenDesktop 7.8, allows IT to package and deliver apps separately from golden images.

AppDisk allows IT to create, deploy and update fewer master images. Instead of installing applications alongside the OS, IT can package and deliver them separately in departmental AppDisks. An AppDisk is either a virtual hard disk or virtual machine disk file, depending on the hypervisor - either Citrix XenServer or VMware ESXi.

The values that this measure can take and their corresponding numeric values are as follows:

Measure Value Numeric Value
OK 1
DBUnconfigured 2
DBRejectedConnection 3
InvalidDBConfigured 4
DBNotFound 5
DBNewerVersionThanService 6
DBOlderVersionThanService 7
DBVersionChangeInProgress 8
Failed 9
Unknown 10


By default, this measure reports the above-mentioned Measure Values while indicating the current status of the AppDisk service. However, in the graph of this measure, the same will be represented using the corresponding numeric equivalents – i.e., 1 to 10.